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Karate Shop Stand offs/threaded stud

Started by Ric046, November 22, 2013, 11:47:13 AM

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I want to add 'Stand offs' to my Karate Shop PCB. 'Stand Offs' are what some people call them here in the UK, Small Bear calls them 'threaded studs' (just to avoid confusion). So basically I need to know if I can drill a hole through the PCB for the stand offs to sit.

I'm thinking of drilling in that nice gap above the buffer/GND/Out pads & also in between the BDW FREQ pads & in between the FREQ GAIN pads.

These seem to be grounded areas, so by my reckoning, adding metal stands to these areas will only increase the PCBs connectivity to GND through the aluminium enclosure and shouldn't cause any problems to the circuitry.

Is this right or wrong?

I'm not shy about trying things out, but with this one I'd like to know before I drill holes in my PCB.



It really isn't necessary, IMO. Whether you are using PCB mounted pots, or wired pots, all you need to do is provide a little cushion on the back of the pot casing to keep the PCB rock solid. A little double sided 3M foam tape does the trick. IOW, I recommend this over drilling into the PCB every day of the week.


Sure, no probs. I use the 3M foam tape in my baby board builds. It's great stuff.

I'm building the KS into an expression pedal and I just thought with all the extra room and the fact I can hide the 'stand offs' screws under the pedal, I'd try it this way, but if it's not recommended then I won't
