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EMG DG-20 Pickup Vero Board

Started by Gilmourisgod, November 10, 2013, 02:31:10 PM

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I saw a vero board layout for an emulation of the dg-20 EXG and SPC tone controls someplace, lost track of it. I have an old set of EMG SA pickups, thought I might try my hand at a couple of vero boards. Do you think they would fit in a standard strat control cavity?8

croquet hoop

I am not sure about vero, but there are PCB and perf layouts available at fsb. The perf layout is 18x23 holes, approx. 45x60 mm. That may be a bit tight, but I think it would fit inside a standard Strat control cavity.


Sorry, what is "FSB", is that a website? Can you post a link for me? Much appreciated.

croquet hoop


There's even an eagle file for the schematic. I could try to make make a small pcb for thru-hole components and share it through OSH park, but it wouldn't be verified.


Thanks Hoop! Guess it's time to register for the FSB forum, been lurking on it for awhile, most of the discussions too advanced for my (extremely) limited electronics knowledge, but I'm not afraid to screw up. I have a spare strat pickguard for ruining perfectly good electronics components handy.