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My builds (library/reports/guts/enclosures etc)

Started by Sibob, November 05, 2013, 04:45:17 PM

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Hi guys,

New to the forum here, i'm over in the UK.
I've been a huge pedal fanatic for a couple of years, and the fascination has now led onto building them.
Being fairly wet behind the ears, I just blind ordered a couple of PCBs from Mad Bean as my initial experiments, zero DIY electronics experience, just a fairly technically-capable mind and some fast learning/googling ;).
I was over-eager on these builds and drilled the enclosures before the boards had even arrived, which, combined with my inexperience meant I overlooked the SL' capabilities for onboard switch/pot mounting etc.



I've definitly learned a lot since these, whilst they both work fine and sound great, I've tried to be a LOT tidier inside the box.  Even had a few friends put in some orders, Muffs, Boosts, Buffers etc, great feeling seeing them on their board! :)



Dude, those are some righteous first builds, congrats! And they both work, thats a good start. Welcome to the forum, and a really great hobby!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Get ready to build pedals not because you need 45 fuzz pedals.. but because you can make 45 fuzz pedals. It is so addictive and fun.

You have an awesome start there as they look great. How do they sound? What you expected?

Welcome to the forum and can't wait to see your future builds.



I always like to see new builders that actually use heat shrink on the LED leads!!  8)

Excellent first builds!!!

Stay thirsty my friend!  ;)


Hi Si, welcome to Madbeans ,your tech capability has seen you through with flying colours... nice builds, glad you have friends who want you to build pedals for them.  It makes the hobby even more enjoyable.



Thanks for all the kind words guys, glad to be here :)
I've had some excellent help along the way from my dad, Fuzzrocious, COG and various forums, all in all it's a great community :).
I am lucky that I know players who don't mind outlaying a bit of (purely cost covering) cash so I can practice and have pedals tested in 'the field'. I feel like I've made little progressions with each build.
When I'm in front of a computer tomorrow I'll post some non-Madbeans builds (if that's appropriate?!). Currently have a PedalParts BB Pre on the bench, with three more requested :-o



One word of advice: don't undervalue your time, effort and work.


i like the enclosures with the lines on the inside of the box.  where are they from?


Really nice first builds man!  Welcome to the forum.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!




These look great man, welcome to your new addiction!
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: evildead222 on November 05, 2013, 11:53:21 PM
i like the enclosures with the lines on the inside of the box.  where are they from?

Unfortunately I don't remember where I got that from, I think it was just a one-off from eBay, a guy in the UK. Will try and check.
I know it's a 125B though, which is Hammond code 1590N1



Very nice builds mate!
Yeah , be carrfull with the drilling part. Better measiring twice, use templates, etc. Enclosures r relatively expensive and u dont want to through it aqay!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Quote from: LaceSensor on November 05, 2013, 11:40:59 PM
One word of advice: don't undervalue your time, effort and work.

I fully agree with you, and it's something I've struggled with slightly.
On the one hand I'm obviously putting time, effort and a small element of skill (over what the customer is seemingly unwishing to undertake). However, I am currently using other people's PCB designs, being MadBean or PedalsParts. My feeling here is that I feel uncomfortable selling at anything above cost while I'm not using my own PCBs/designs/layouts. Plus, lets face it, I'm still learning some basics :).
I do not mark the enclosures with any brand other than a random paint job/design, although I do mark inside for my own 'records'. 'Customers' are also made aware that these are easily available kits.
I think the current crop of 4 BB Pre's will be the last pre-fab PCBs I'll do for a while as I'm more interested in getting into stripboard work for my own designs/mods/layouts.

Cheers again for the kind words :)

With regards to the new member forum sub-heading (Diode Destroyer), I've never burned out a component..........just saying ;)

I will happen on the next build now won't it :D


Aren't the Hammond boxes the ones with the ridges on the inside?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.