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Noob problems - mangler build finished pedal doesn't work

Started by avidgrim, November 02, 2013, 08:59:07 PM

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I just finished the mangler build I've been working on and I plugged a battery in but am not getting a reading when I try to bias the pedal or when I try to play through it. The signal goes through but no sound comes out when it is switch on. Only thing that is happening is the battery gets hot.

I used the standard MB wiring diagram. Only thing I haven't hooked up yet is the led.
I can send pictures by email if anyone can help out. I'm on a phone so I can't upload to the forum.



Did you set it up as a negative or positive ground...check the mangler build docs



I've got a 9v jack too so I can power with a voodoo labs PP2 as well. That is why I went by the standard wiring diagram. Are there any changes to the way that is wired?


So I got it working with a 9v. Haven't tried the DC jack yet, not super concerned with that right now. I'm wondering about 2 things.

It's pretty noisy, not horrible but considerably noisier than any other pedals I have.

When I biased the circuit I couldn't get it to -4.5v like the mangler docs specified. I can get 4.5 but the lowest it will go is 0.5.

Any suggestions?


If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to fix this?


I have the electrolytic capacitors in the correct orientation I believe. Circle pads are neg, square are positive correct?


Mad Bean, any chance you could create a complete wiring diagram with a dc jack and led for the mangler? I'm piecing things together and I'm doing something very wrong.

Thanks if possible.


Are you including a voltage inverter for -9v supply? I put the road rage in-between the DC jack and the board to invert the voltage for my mangler.



Haven't tried the dc jack yet. Planned on running it with a voodoo pp2 when I get around to buying one.


I will post a few pictures this evening. Thanks to everyone trying to lend a hand.



I have made 1 modification from the pics. I have the wire that is connected to the tip of the in jack connected to bottom right lug on the switch. Was connected to the top middle lug.