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Keeley Compressor

Started by k.rock!, February 21, 2011, 04:52:44 PM

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I know the Keeley is based mostly on the Ross and tonepad has a project for it, but wouldn't it be cool to have a madbean board for a Keeley? The 4 knob version? ;D that would be awesome Brian!
God bless!



I've had 4 requests this week to do Keeley-esque compressors for friends (and non of them no each other, weird). The tonepad Ross board is great, but I'm sure if you offered a project with notes on the Keeley mods, people would buy them.


Yes sir! That is exactly what I'm looking for...  ;)
God bless!


The keeley comp is essentially a Ross compressor. There are lots of projects available for building Ross comps with keeley specs. Guitar PCB has a Ross with mods board you could try.

I think Brian is trying to keep from doing projects that are already available from multiple sources. Especially something as common and easy to build as a keeley comp.

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you can just buy a ross board from either GGG or tonepad and mod it to keeley specs, plenty of info out there on this.

I personally think the byoc comp is better than the keeley i tried (as well as the analogman comprosser)


I'm not against the idea since the Ross is a nice compressor. But, I think the next compressor project will be optical instead.


Just thought i'd add my input of +1 for a ross style compressor..
With a blend knob like the Barber Tonepress even? 


I would take one. I haven't ordered from guitar PCB yet and Bean keeps my eye from wandering.


Yep if it's a Ross-like one it would be great to have a blend control and the other available mods ("Mark Hammer mod / jangle mod") integrated along those lines:

I'm keen.




Quote from: madbean on February 22, 2011, 01:18:01 AM
I'm not against the idea since the Ross is a nice compressor. But, I think the next compressor project will be optical instead.

The whole reason I got into the DIY bit was for compression. Long story, doesn't matter.....

'Bean is on the right track. The Keeley/Ross/Dyna comp group has been done to death.

Optical compression (or limiting) would give us options currently not available. Or not readily available, anyway.

My 0.02