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Started by angrykoko, October 10, 2013, 09:44:19 PM

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So every now and then the wife gives me that look... you know the one: "really?  your gonna build another one?" and I get to thinking I should sell off some pedals.  I mean who really needs 4 overdrives, multiple delays, fuzzes, compressors etc..etct..  The word "Horder" comes to mind and visions of being on tv "buried alive by pedals".

So I break them out and start playing through them...........

Who am I kidding!  I cant sell off any of them.  I mean.. I built them! 
I cant give birth (at least that's what the laws of nature say) so these are my babies dammit!!

And WHO doesn't need a Univox Superfuzz... yeah.. in your face mr. "your a horder" thought process!

So umm.... yeah...  any of you guys/gals in this boat too?

Koko out!
:) :) :) :) :)
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Wives! What do they know about what real men need? I've built 2 Tube Screamers and have purchased 4 other boards. 6 Tube Screamers! Why? Because I obviously need 6 Tube Screamers. If I didn't need 6 Tube Screamers I wouldn't have bought 6 boards!

Plus, my wife has no problem owning at least 6 blouses. I don't make her justify that. Why? Because I understand her needs. Hey babe, how about a little reciprocation!


Given that I own 62 guitars currently, I have no idea what you're talking about.....

Actually, I have no problems selling gear, nor does my wife give me any grief about it.  That being said, I still try and get home before she does on days I know there are big boxes on the porch.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Holy cow! 62 guitars!  I gotta see them :)

I will eventually own that many amps I'm sure.. I only have 4 now but for some reason I must own them all!!!

You guys need to not zero in on the wife aspect of this, I was poking fun at myself, she is actually very cool.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: angrykoko on October 10, 2013, 10:26:47 PM
Holy cow! 62 guitars!  I gotta see them :)

I will eventually own that many amps I'm sure.. I only have 4 now but for some reason I must own them all!!!

You guys need to not zero in on the wife aspect of this, I was poking fun at myself, she is actually very cool.

Actually my wife is very cool too. She's happy as long as I'm building her boxes too! So far I've built her a compressor and a chorus. I'm in the process of boxing up an eq and rub-a-dub.


I bought mine a pink sparkle Les Paul
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: billstein on October 10, 2013, 10:08:13 PM
Wives! What do they know about what real men need? I've built 2 Tube Screamers and have purchased 4 other boards. 6 Tube Screamers! Why? Because I obviously need 6 Tube Screamers. If I didn't need 6 Tube Screamers I wouldn't have bought 6 boards!

Plus, my wife has no problem owning at least 6 blouses. I don't make her justify that. Why? Because I understand her needs. Hey babe, how about a little reciprocation!

Six Tube Screamers?  Bill, you might have a problem.  Are they at least different Tube Screamers??


I was gonna sneak in a tele a few days ago I purchased, but I couldn't do it  8).  I told her, but she's cool with most music gear.  I was already into guitar stuff well before we got hitched.  She married into it  ;D

Contract PCB designer


my wife could care less, second marriages are awesome!! We're both adults and treat each other as such. That beind said, who doesn't need 6 tube screamers, or in my case phasers?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


esplainin gear to spouses can be tricky. My wife is generally fine if I net a 0 out of it somehow. Sell a pedal, trade some here, use a little cash to buy something when I made a little cash on the side.

Truthfully, I have way more guitar gear than I should, and I'm constantly trying to get rid of stuff in order to 'step up' as it were.

Now I'm looking into an upgrade on a single cut double humbucker type. What I really want is one of those new PRS S2 Starla guitars, the ones with the Bigsby on it. Really, really want one. Can I afford one? No. Need to sell 8-10 pedals before I can I think. And saving after 8-10 sales... that's tough. That money usually goes towards other things...

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I know EXACTLY what you mean... I've been thinking lately I need to start flicking some of the pedals I can't or don't use. But I can't bring myself to actually put any up for sale. (The Dr Boogie, for example... it's far more gain than I can handle, and I know someone who's interested, buuuuut... it was my first high gain build!)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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Quote from: alanp on October 11, 2013, 04:23:48 AM
I know EXACTLY what you mean... I've been thinking lately I need to start flicking some of the pedals I can't or don't use. But I can't bring myself to actually put any up for sale. (The Dr Boogie, for example... it's far more gain than I can handle, and I know someone who's interested, buuuuut... it was my first high gain build!)

yep! that's exactly what I'm talking about.  I have 2 compressors that I NEVER use... I just don't understand them or why I'd ever want to use one.. but cant seem to get rid them.

As far as the multiplicity thing... pedalwise I *desire* delays, they are sexy to me (my next target is that catlinbread echoplex thing).  I have many overdrives out of curiosity (what does this one sound like compared to that one kind of thing).. and fuzz... I just love fuzz.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Yep; I've got plenty of pedals I never use, but would never sell.

I think I have inherited my Dad's hoarding problem  ;D.

The Mrs usually just leaves me to it with music gear. She's not really that interested, and I like it that way; I think its good to have separate interests and have time to do our own things.

It's like when I go shopping with her; we go our separate ways and meet up later. I can never understand when you see blokes stood outside shops looking annoyed waiting for the Mr's; do your own thing or leave her to it!

Anyway... Rant over...  ;)


Hm, my girl gives me no headaches over this, luckily. She's cool because she can see how happy I am. I get incredibly excited over gear and I think she's really pleased to see me content. honeymoon period with gear is getting kinda shorter and shorter, so I tend to want other stuff, or that was the case for some time, now I am on a decline of wanting luckily...

The blouse thing really resonated with me. I mean man, for a price of a very decent pedal, she buys a blouse/pants/shorts/blazer/hat/whatever just so she could mix it with other clothes in perfecting her style [which I assure you involves a lot of different stuff at the same time, she's quite the dresser...] anyway, she buys this, and then once in a blue moon she uses it and wears it. Not to mention expensive boots, shoes and whatnot.

Whereas when I buy a guitar, a pedal, or whatever it makes me happy every day, for several hours in a day, or even just looking at it occasionally standing on a guitar stand. I mean it's such a higher level of usability if you will. I use my guitar to make me happy even if I am not holding it in my arms. Whereas I don't care about her shoes locked in a closet that will see the ball once every couple of months.

And they buy as impulsively as we do, there's no denying that. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: das234 on October 11, 2013, 01:39:33 AM
Quote from: billstein on October 10, 2013, 10:08:13 PM
Wives! What do they know about what real men need? I've built 2 Tube Screamers and have purchased 4 other boards. 6 Tube Screamers! Why? Because I obviously need 6 Tube Screamers. If I didn't need 6 Tube Screamers I wouldn't have bought 6 boards!

Plus, my wife has no problem owning at least 6 blouses. I don't make her justify that. Why? Because I understand her needs. Hey babe, how about a little reciprocation!

Six Tube Screamers?  Bill, you might have a problem.  Are they at least different Tube Screamers??

I do have a problem! For some reason I love Tube Screamers. To me they are the ultimate pedal and layer so well with other pedals or with each other. I do plan on building out the others with different combinations for clipping and different IC's.
But back to the point. Yes, I do have a problem.