Kingslayer is the best I've ever tried, but I've somme issues with it

Started by whitewave, September 29, 2013, 03:38:23 PM

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 First of all let me say a big thank you to madbean for allowing us to build such an amazing pedal. It's been a while since the last time I got so impressed by a pedal, and I have a sunking on my pedalboard as well. Could I say it's much better than the original? I mean the gold one with a Centaur on it.
Anyway, completed mine yesterday, everything works and sounds really good, but:

1. I get it motorboating if I set both gain and volume past 3 o'clock. I don't need those settings, I'm using volume at 9 and gain at 10 or so, but I don't understand why it reacts like that.

2. there's a strange noise, like a broken speaker. It's not a continuous noise, it appears just when you play, but it's not something "connected to the sound". I mean, it's not a fuzzy tone related to notes I'm playing. It's the only pedal I get this noise from.

What could I check?




Hey dude, check this out:
It might give you some pointers where to start looking, or give us a better understanding of your problem.
To start of: it sounds like either a problem with your grounding or the chargepump... give the thread a read, come back with some more info, and we'll take it from there, good luck!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


On issue 1: does that happen on all of the switch settings, or only when all the clipping diodes are lifted? The motorboating will happen on high gain and volume settings with all diodes lifted (I think I mention this in the doc...for sure on the forum). But, it should not with either or both sets of diodes active.

On issue 2: I'd have to hear a sample of what you are talking about. There's not enough info to go on for me.

It's possible both issues are related.


I waited before replying to take the time to test it better.
You're right, the motorboating effect happens only with OD switch lifting diodes.

But now it doesn't work at all.
When you plug it, it works fine for a couple of seconds (both on and off), then it starts farting, until it seems a low quality fuzz wit dead battery, both on or off.
I've used a tantalum cap for C7, instead of a polarized one. That's the only thing I can think about.
ICs are correct, I bought them from Mouser.
I've tripled checked everything, and I don't see any mistake.



I am also having this same issue. Looking forward to any ideas


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I used metal film. I replaced IC1 and its working again. But its not quiet by any means. There is a slight hiss, but also a bit of crackling.


1% metal film here as well. It drives me crazy, I don't see the issue.
Tomorrow I'll send the pedal to a tech. I hope he can find what's going on.