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harbinger one just bypass

Started by gtangas, September 20, 2013, 10:09:59 PM

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Hello guys

Just finish my vibe :-D  but I jut have bypass

I'm using a 9v transf. Populated the filter board and jumper the r54 and ommit the D1

For start the lamp (I bought a vibe upgrade kit from banzai) was to weak and in tried to adjust with the gain trimmer but on Max it was very weak
The other trimmer in a vertical one and after i tweak with it the lamp increased is brightness but still no vibe. The lamp its not pulsing it just stays on

Any hints?


Just got it working... The purpose was just to test the build so I didn't solder the led O:-)  after reading a tech help post about harbinger I install the led and bam!! The led pulses , the lamp pulses...

But when I select the chorus position I don't have any chorus!!



Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Hey jimilee

I think I find it

Beneath one of the pots I found a resistor with a lowsi solder... I followed the track that come from the switch and found this bugger.

I want to change the trimmer for flat one and tomorrow in will fire it up again




While we are happy to help, you can't expect it to magically happen quickly. Usually, tech help requests will get answered within 24 hours, and sometimes much more quickly, but the space between your first request and the following post is a little bit too quick.

Also, you really need to provide us with more complete information. Without some key details, we really can't help you behind giving you blind advice about things you might be able to check.

If you haven't yet, I really recommend you read through this thread a couple/few times and then take another stab at your pedal. You need to have the tools for debugging available, like an audio probe and a multi-meter.

Keep in mind that you're the one who's going to fix your pedal. As much as we can give you advice, you still need to do that work. It'll be rewarding, and you'll learn something, and when it fires up, you'll be really glad it does.

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Problem solved. It was that resistor solder. Its a very specific effect... No doubt about that.



Quote from: gtangas on September 22, 2013, 01:03:49 AM
Problem solved. It was that resistor solder. Its a very specific effect... No doubt about that.

Congratulations, feels good when you solve the issue! Now you have to post in build reports!  :P
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.