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Three-way diode switching

Started by astrondelta, September 11, 2013, 12:21:10 AM

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Okay, here's something I use from time to time.  I'm not sure if this has been posted... I searched for it but didn't turn up anything.  If this should be moved please feel free to move it, thanks.

Short story, this is how you can get three different clippers in a circuit with a DPDT on/on/on switch. I like to arrange them from lowest Vf to highest Vf (as shown in this example) so the switch gets progressively louder as you switch through it.  But of course you can do things like three pairs of germanium diodes, etc. that will sound roughly the same in volume.  Pay attention to the particular electrical layout of your switch... I've bought them in both of the layouts shown, so do a connectivity test before you choose the switch.  I show veroboard in the example but you can do this with perfboard or whatever... only important thing is that one one side, all the clippers are wired to a common connection.  Sorry for the long intro, and I hope this is helpful!


Nice diagram.  I just may incorporate this into my next OD build

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one louder.