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Aquaboy problem

Started by slash555, May 12, 2010, 05:24:03 PM

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boards arrived today and i build one.

everything is working, i calibrated it correctly, only problem is it has too much gain, the repeats are distorted expecially with humbuckers. dry signal is fine.

how to fix that? i found the same problem on and no answer


Can you post some voltage readings for the pins on your v3205?


9,2v on power supply

1. 0
2. 3,62
3. 3,39
4. 3,4
5. 7,89
6. 3,5
7. 3,55
8. 6,8

i tried playing with R19 and drop voltage to 5v but no change.
feedback resistor R31 also don't effect distortion.
something else is wrong and it's most likely with cool audio v3205 version only. as other people said mn3005 is working just fine.
i poked with probe and delay signal is distorted almost everywhere, one of "cleaner" places is at Q2

tell me where to probe or what to do next, few important places or so? i can even record if it will help.

i bought 8 boards and IC's for all of them, even for ddtime mod. i hope will fix it


Okay, so have you tried subbing different IC's to see if one is bad...esp. the v3205? Are you sure that all your resistor values are correct? Did you sub any transistors? Remind me if you are using a well regulated power supply.

I have three successful builds of the v3205, so something has gone screwy here.


is regulated, tried subbing every ic, transistors are mpsa18. i will have to check all resistors but i think i got them right.

whitch is the best way to unsolder parts? i tried with vacuum pump and it cant get all solder out


is there any difference between v3205d and v3205sd? mine are sd, i ordered from small bear


Quote from: slash555 on May 15, 2010, 10:40:38 AM
is there any difference between v3205d and v3205sd? mine are sd, i ordered from small bear

According to the Cool Audio website, the SD is the normal designation of the part. I think they are probably the same thing.


Quote from: slash555 on May 13, 2010, 05:21:59 PM
is regulated, tried subbing every ic, transistors are mpsa18. i will have to check all resistors but i think i got them right.

whitch is the best way to unsolder parts? i tried with vacuum pump and it cant get all solder out

Try heating the solder from the top side of the board with your iron and put the pump on the bottom side. So, you can heat it and suck it up at the same time.

If this doesn't work, try adding a tiny bit of solder to the pad, then use a de-soldering braid to suck it up. Sometimes adding that solder actually helps. Be careful not to overheat.


I just ordered all parts for my Aquaboy build. I ordered the MN3205 chip. Do I need to do anything special or make any adjustments for using this chip vs the MN3005?


I have built the Aquaboy using the MN3005 and v3205, but not the MN3205. Other than making sure the jumpers on the board are done correctly, there should be no adjustments. The only thing that I can think of off the bat is that you should socket R19. Try the default 22R first. That should work fine there, but just in case you have trouble passing delay it may need to be increased slightly.


Quotemaking sure the jumpers on the board are done correctly
Sorry for my lack of knowledge but what does that mean exactly, and how would I go about making sure they are correct?


download project file and read it all the way ;D


Did that already, thanks ;)


Just to summarize, there are two jumpers under the BBD that need to be set depending on which version you are building. MN3005 go one way, and MN3205/v3205 go the other.


I've been looking around for those cool audio chips.  Is smallbear about the only place to get those right now?

Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS