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Nu-TRon II Phaser issues. Can anybody help?

Started by guile, September 02, 2013, 07:21:27 PM

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I finished the  Nu-TRon II Phaser and I absolutely love it!

Only thing is that it TICKS very annoyingly (with the speed of the sweep). It's much too loud to overlook.
I tried to dress the wires differently but nothing helps.
I noticed that it even ticks when bypassed  :o
The funny thing is that it stops ticking when I put an overdrive in front of it.
It does get louder or more quite when I move the pcb around...
I'm using a diffused led...
I took the rate indicator out, but unfortunately no change (bad or good)

Any ideas?

Any ideas?


Not that many people here have built the project, which is probably why they didn't answer the thread you already opened. I suggest contacting bangerang or posting in his project thread, you would get more traction than just opening extra tech help threads.