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Cascadia Overdrive (Madbean LaVache) w/ Demo

Started by Stomptown, August 31, 2013, 08:08:46 PM

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Hey guys, here is my latest build. It's a Madbean LaVache with an added 3P4T daughterboard that I designed in Eagle. I designed the daughterboard so I could add a tri-colored LED, which indicates which clipping mode is engaged. I'm glad I finally got around to putting this one together. I really like the way this one sounds and will be adding it to my board before my next show!

Here are the pics:

And the Video demo:

If anyone is interested in the daughterboard, I shared this project through Osh Park. You can order them in sets of three here for about $9 per set:

Or you can etch your own! To learn more, check out my build doc here:




Great build and demo mate, sounds as good as it looks. What have you done with the top of the footswitch, looks roughed up, all the best, Matt.


Very. Damn. Cool. Love the mod and the pedal is just badass.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: hoodoo on September 01, 2013, 12:49:59 AM
Great build and demo mate, sounds as good as it looks. What have you done with the top of the footswitch, looks roughed up, all the best, Matt.

Thanks! I ran over it with an electric palm sander. Honestly I was trying to sound off a scratch in the enclosure after it was fully assembled and the sander jumped on me and scraped across the top of the switch. After a few curse words it occurred to me that it might look cool if I just sanded it down!


This is awesome. Love that rough-looking etch.


Quote from: lincolnic on September 01, 2013, 04:58:33 AM
This is awesome. Love that rough-looking etch.

Thanks! I didn't intend for it to come out so rough, but It works well with the design. I usually use PNP blue for my toner transfers and this time I tried laser paper following Pryde's awesome tutorial. I don't think the toner was thick enough for the paper transfer, hence the extreme pitting. I will have to try a different printer next time!


Hey Jon,  I liked the demo.. you sounded cool about what you were explaining and the playing sound great!! You made it look easy. Also love the mod thanks for the etch layout.

Great work



This is fantastic! The LED mod is genius. Way to man 


This is a thing of pure beauty!! The triple LED is magic!! ;D


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



Jonny Rock the "French Canadian"

Affiliation : Jonny Rock Gear


How made the label? Engraving?
instagram: pedalhealer_dot_com


Function f(x)
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