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Ideas for a bass front end

Started by Willybomb, August 28, 2013, 02:30:11 PM

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Gudday all.  I've just sold my marshall and bass amp (for a insultingly paltry amount) and replaced it with a 400 watt powered wedge that I'll be using for bass, guitar, and any vocal duties that I might need it for at some time (probably not all 3 at the same time though), so I want to put together a bass preamp/multi to give me some tone shaping between the bass and the wedge.

I'm looking at getting a cheap behringer BDI-21, but if we can DIY that would be cool, so any sugesttions would be great.  Doesn't really need any OD or distortion, ut whatever.


I built a variation of the super duper 2in1 (firebomb) as a bass preamp and I love it. Instead of 2 SHO it is a Hogs Foot bass boost into a SHO with a master volume on the whole thing. Both circuits are independently switchable or stackable. This makes a bass sound like a bass when plugged into a PA. Crank up either (or both) side(s) and there are tons of overdrive to fuzz options.