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Super Whitey

Started by diablochris6, August 26, 2013, 04:59:43 AM

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Deep in the woods, a population of squirrels can rest easy knowing that evil will not show its face around their neighborhood...not when Super Whitey is around.  Super Whitey, while not fully understood or accepted by the public, uses his super AUTO WAH powers to filter out crime and ne'er-do-wells from his sleepy burg.

Nobody is sure if Super Whitey is a true albino or not.  It is said that you can tell true albinism by their pink eyes, but only criminals get that close to his vengeful gaze, and by then, it is too late...

This was fun.  Got the PCB from during the BOGO sale.  Put it in a 125b.  Instead of the internal trimpot, I added an external pot for frequency control.  It creates so much of a change in effect, I wonder why decided against using it.  As you can see, the knobs are a little short...I will fix that sometime.  No major problems with this build; it rocked quite well before I boxed it.  I am now 2 for 2 in the successful build department.  I would love to continue this roll, but I might have to take a hiatus for a bit...have to save my pennies for an upcoming anniversary, birthday, Christmas, etc...
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


I sincerely hope that you keep posting build reports like this, because I want to read more. The pedal looks great, too! Is that just a freehand drawing?


Freehand with a very very very fine paintbrush, Testors gloss black enamel paint, and held breath and hushed prayers.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here



I like this a lot! It reminds me of these children's books that my daughters like called "Scaredy Squirrel."

This is very nice wiring for only your second build! Better than mine actually.

Cortexturizer - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Cracked out squirrels make me happy. Always. - Music, Builds, other nonsense


A) That the big red eye is staring at me freaks me out

B) And that the way the graphics wrap seamlessly around the end of the enclosure

C) Requires me to note this is one super fantastic pedal.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


An the back story.... You've out done your bad self
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: lincolnic on August 26, 2013, 05:03:16 AM
I sincerely hope that you keep posting build reports like this, because I want to read more. The pedal looks great, too! Is that just a freehand drawing?

This, +1!!  I had a witty remark, but refrained from posting because of the good-humoured nature of this forum. Cool build, and please keep up the build reports like this, nice to see something original and different!!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Love the artwork/concept on this one!  :)
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I love his little cape :)

I built a SWAW a while back, albeit not so cleverly housed.  It's a really great sounding autowah!


The glowing eyeball; that's what does it for me.  He's got that crazed look about him.  Nice squirrel... have some nuts... good squirrel.


Thanks for all the feedback.  Bret608, thanks for noticing the clean-ish wiring.  My first pedal (a Supreaux Deux) has wire for miles under the hood, and I worked really hard at trimming the wires down and making it neat.  As you can see in the bottom left hand corner, my wires leading to the DC jack were too short, so I had to splice in extra length.  It kind of looks like a squirrel chewed on them.  Hmmm...

And cracked out squirrels should make anyone happy.  I have had plenty of experience dealing with them at the various college campuses that I attended!  Saw one drag a piece of pizza off someone's plate!  Another was eating Cheetos out of a bag like a person.  Bizarre stuff...

This really is a great sounding pedal.  If any of you decide on building it, I highly recommend an external pot for the frequency; it adds so much tweakability!
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Sensational pedal!! If I see your crazy eyed squirrel in the park  - run!!  ;) lol!!