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Plexi variant?

Started by highway jones, February 11, 2011, 12:36:22 PM

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Thanks Madbean!

Thanks so much also to B_of_H for the reply, I didn't mean to hijack the thread.  :P

That was my next exploration, was manipulating the EQ on the front end. I also wonder if even this Plexitone pedal might require that same compensation. I will mess around with the freq. you suggest

I agree with what you say about the tone stack--also the speaker. I have to admit, I did try the OCD and Shredder straight into the Normal channel, then into my Marshall 4x12 and it sounds decidedly more Marshall and less Fender. I may also be clipping the Bright Cap on the Vibrato channel soon...

Sounds like I might be ready to try the Spackler and Plexitone (whatever 'Bean ends up calling it) next.



Hey Madbean,

I'm not try to rush you or be a pest (I know you are busy with lots of boards and other requests) but, when would you guess I might be able to order a PCB of this one? I'm just trying to time a new board/parts order sometime within the next month.

I fully understand if it's going to be a while. Just thought I would ask for a ballpark.

Thanks again!


Quote from: madbean on February 24, 2011, 04:55:36 PM
In other news, the PCB design is finished. I'll get this built up with some of the other stuff I'm working on very soon.

Will this board be for sale?  I hope so.


Let me see how it turns out first before I make a decision. I'd really like to build it, so that's a good sign that it will be done sooner rather than later. If I offer it, it would be like the Uproar---in small batches from time to time.

I still need to get the Weener Wah, reverb and vibe done, too, so there's a lot on my plate. Also, the Les Lius variant. I think I have some other shit, too...I dunno, I have like 15 unfinished projects.

Actually, I just got curious and counted the number of projects in my Eagle directory (never did this). I have 109 finished/unfinished! I need to get out more...seriously.


That's kind of what I thought. Oh well, I will just try to jump on it if I see it come up then. I plan to buy a bunch of boards from you over the course of this year, budget permitting so it's all good.

Those are all cool projects too, and this one is a new request compared to those. I understand.

Thanks for your hard work for us man, we appreciate it.



How would this new pedal compare to a BSIAB?


Quote from: crash on February 24, 2011, 06:10:41 PM
How would this new pedal compare to a BSIAB?

good question.  i've built two bsiab's and I find them very compressed and that they lose clarity at gain levels that get the type of sustain he uses in this clip.  (i've decided that the last cap doesn't need to be there on the bsiab as to let a little more high end pass through but still it's a pretty muddy sounding circuit IMO)

I'd be happy to do an a/b once this project is out. 


Thanks B_of_H, I've been looking for a nice VH type pedal.  On my searches on the various pedal boards, it looked like the BSIAB was my best bet.  I may have to wait and see what becomes of this new madbean pedal.


This one is almost finished. Turns out that running it off +18 / -9v changed the character of the pedal way too much for my liking. It made it sound more like the BSIAB.

At +-9v it sounds much closer the the youTube demo. There will be some other changes to the actual layout, but it won't require the additional Road Rage board like I thought.

The only issue I'm finding is that there is TOO much gain. The Boost and Hi-Gain pots oscillate like a mother above noon. This was on the breadboard, though. I will probably try some value changes and make suggestions, if necessary.


Hey Brian,
What amps/guitars do you usually test things out on when you work on something like this?


I use a Tele and my Vox AC4TV for basic testing. When I want to go for full volume, I take it over to the AC15 and dime it.

The nice thing about the AC4 is that it is so bright that if an effect makes it sound even brighter, I know it definitely needs to be tamed way down ;)


Quote from: madbean on March 01, 2011, 04:00:46 PM
I use a Tele and my Vox AC4TV for basic testing. When I want to go for full volume, I take it over to the AC15 and dime it.

The nice thing about the AC4 is that it is so bright that if an effect makes it sound even brighter, I know it definitely needs to be tamed way down ;)

Cool.  I was hoping you were going to say your AC15.  My main amp is an AC30.

