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Zeropoint SDX resistor sockets

Started by Darkknigh_t, August 19, 2013, 07:55:04 PM

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Greetings fellow builders :)
I just ordered my first two madbean boards the zp sdx and low rider.
Im building the zp sdx first and im at the resistor part now so i was reading the pdf and got comfused a bit on which resistors should i socket. I will leave the R45 off for longest delay. So could someone please tell me who built this pedal which resistors should i socket?
Thank you and im sorry if this has been asked already :)

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2


I think this is what you're looking for:

"R48 is placed as a parallel resistor with the Delay pot setting and act as an artificial limit. This means less delay time overall, but also little or no noise at max. It is up to you whether or not to use it. A socket is highly suggested to test both ways. You can increase R31 to extend delay times (680k, 750k, etc) or leave it off altogether for the maximum delay possible."

I used R48 stock (470) and get good delay times without much noise.

You might also want to socket R21 and R22 to be able to change the volume of the extra repeats on the Ghost setting. Stock to the build guide they're pretty subtle (at least on mine).
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Quote from: Droogie on August 19, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
I think this is what you're looking for:

"R48 is placed as a parallel resistor with the Delay pot setting and act as an artificial limit. This means less delay time overall, but also little or no noise at max. It is up to you whether or not to use it. A socket is highly suggested to test both ways. You can increase R31 to extend delay times (680k, 750k, etc) or leave it off altogether for the maximum delay possible."

I used R48 stock (470) and get good delay times without much noise.

You might also want to socket R21 and R22 to be able to change the volume of the extra repeats on the Ghost setting. Stock to the build guide they're pretty subtle (at least on mine).
Thank you very much. What about R3 is it okay to put it 470k?

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2


I just finished building and first test run of the pedal and i have to say its pretty amazing :D
Im so excited to box it up il post then a couple of pics it wont be pretty but it works :)
I have a question I've noticed that the rate LED flashes all the time even if i don't turn the modulation on or the pedal on. As long as its plugged it starts flashing depending on the rate knob. Is that normal? shouldn't the LED stop flashing if I dont have the modulation on or if the effect is turned off?


Quote from: Darkknigh_t on August 29, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
... I have a question I've noticed that the rate LED flashes all the time even if i don't turn the modulation on or the pedal on. As long as its plugged it starts flashing depending on the rate knob. Is that normal? ...

Yes, this works as designed as it's directly connected to the LFO. The MOD switch comes later.
The whole circuit (including the LFO) is always active, even in bypass mode.


Quote from: kothoma on August 30, 2013, 10:30:32 AM
Quote from: Darkknigh_t on August 29, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
... I have a question I've noticed that the rate LED flashes all the time even if i don't turn the modulation on or the pedal on. As long as its plugged it starts flashing depending on the rate knob. Is that normal? ...

Yes, this works as designed as it's directly connected to the LFO. The MOD switch comes later.
The whole circuit (including the LFO) is always active, even in bypass mode.

Yes thank you I was just studying the schematic well need a dimmer led then cause i only have ultra bright ones xD pokes your eyes out looking at the knobs.
Thank you very much for your anwser! :)