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New Tayda Code

Started by wstimson, August 19, 2013, 04:37:33 PM

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Forum was down when they put this up yesterday. 
I have to assume that is why I don't see anything from Jimi about it?   :)

Code: 222888 valid until 8/23.


I posted at Byoc about it! :-)
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: jimilee on August 19, 2013, 06:24:36 PM
I posted at Byoc about it! :-)

If you love your buddies over at byoc so much, why don't you marry them?

I just made an order and I expect you to reimburse me the money I could have saved. ;)
I'm sorry sir, we only have the regular ohms


Quote from: haveyouseenhim on August 20, 2013, 03:16:54 AM
Quote from: jimilee on August 19, 2013, 06:24:36 PM
I posted at Byoc about it! :-)

If you love your buddies over at byoc so much, why don't you marry them?

I just made an order and I expect you to reimburse me the money I could have saved. ;)
Resistance is futile, you should just assimilate and join us!
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I received an email from Tayda stating that they will have new stock coming in at the end of the month with more values of pots, knobs, etc. My guess is that this "new stock" will be available for viewing shortly after the 23rd.


Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 21, 2013, 03:06:54 PM
I received an email from Tayda stating that they will have new stock coming in at the end of the month with more values of pots, knobs, etc. My guess is that this "new stock" will be available for viewing shortly after the 23rd.

Fortunately it will only take 6 to the power of 3 days to hear that there's a new code after the 23rd.

What I do like about Tayda is that these codes tend to come at regular intervals. If you miss, or don't need a batch right now, you can bet if you're patient and check facebook every couple days, there'll be a new code for discount soon.

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Quote from: jkokura on August 21, 2013, 04:44:57 PM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 21, 2013, 03:06:54 PM
I received an email from Tayda stating that they will have new stock coming in at the end of the month with more values of pots, knobs, etc. My guess is that this "new stock" will be available for viewing shortly after the 23rd.

Fortunately it will only take 6 to the power of 3 days to hear that there's a new code after the 23rd.

What I do like about Tayda is that these codes tend to come at regular intervals. If you miss, or don't need a batch right now, you can bet if you're patient and check facebook every couple days, there'll be a new code for discount soon.

True story. Mine is set to be notified when they post, and they only post when a new code is available.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.