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Aquaboy DX $, plus

Started by mrsmith, August 15, 2013, 08:04:34 PM

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Hi All,

I'm new to the forum and wanted to ask for an appx cost of building an Aquaboy DX with two MN3008's. I also wanted to ask how much delay time I might expect from such a build. Thanks so much for your help!


It looks like about $55 to populate the board using MN3008s ($15 each at SB). This includes resistors, caps, diodes, trimmers from Tayda; ICS and Vactrol from SB. Add on cost of 5 pots, switches, enclosure, jacks, etc. from wherever you prefer....

Build doc says about 550ms—not sure if that's for both 3008 and V3205.

Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric



With two MN3008s, you'll get half that delay time.
The MN3005 is what you need to get the 550ms.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Ok, that helps clear it up. Thanks!


So, for the newbie question: Where the hell do MN3005's live?

The Aquaboy DX instructions and a search at small bear and on the forums all indicate that MN3005's (and MN3008's and MN3205's) are very difficult to obtain. The ebay route seems like a great way to get fleeced.

Or which chips would one suggest subbing to get a decent sounding 550ms delay for the Aquaboy DX? Is it worth building the pedal W/O those hard-to-find chips?



Quote from: mrsmith on August 15, 2013, 09:28:18 PM
So, for the newbie question: Where the hell do MN3005's live?

They don't. Giant thread in the buy/sell area. No sense rehashing it all here ...

Use the v3205 if you need 550ms delay.

But if you're a new builder: This is one of the most difficult builds around.You need to get comfortable with a wide variety of troubleshooting techniques, or you could very well dump $70 down the drain. I won't say it's impossible. But almost one hundred builds it, it's the only build that's beaten me, and I've troubleshooted some very, very strange problems (heck, I couldn't even get the oscillator to work, and I've designed effects around that part of the circuit!).

There are a variety of very good sounding PT2399 delays that are better for beginners and intermediate builders.


Thanks, I've been going between building an analog delay pedal with modulation vs. buying one--I already have a decent digital delay. As the instructions say, there aren't very many analog delays with modulation, cheaper than $200. But it might be worth spending $150 on a Malekko or Carbon Copy. Or building the Zero Point SDX.


What Jon said. I started building one and read all the problems with it and just opted to sell it instead. There are others here that, I have been told, sound just as good as the abdx.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: mrsmith on August 15, 2013, 10:12:05 PM...Or building the Zero Point SDX.

^ This. I've built quite a few BBD based delays and I'm not building any more since the ZPSDX came along.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


I used v3205's. You get a nice gritty delay with these. Had some trouble with the clock.  Make sure you use the MN3101. PT2399 delays sound very good. I built the Multiplex Echo and it sounds fantastic. Trying to source MN3005's has become nearly impossible. Too many fakes and too expensive. I didn't bother!


The MN3101 instead of 3102 has to be an issue with the build, not the chip itself, need to look in to that more.

Alslo, yes 3005s are pretty much a bad idea but 3008s are still obtainable, and the DM-2 (which the Aqua Puss and subsequent Aqua Boy are based off) only had 300mS so I don't see why going with them is an issue if you *need* the extra headroom, they are easier to obtain... although i'm still slightly against using them as they dry up.

Or yes, the v3205 which bean has set up to be a decent substitute in this build, sadly after testing new ones vs older v chips vs MN3205 when I read all the complaints they are not what they were or even close to a 3205 but they are still very useable with the available tweaking.
Works at Lectric-FX


Thanks for all the feedback. I'm leaning now toward building a Zero Point SDX or buying a cheaper analog delay with modulation; however, I really would like to develop my building chops, so a BBD pedal might be in my future.


One word: Multiplex with add-on Modulation board(s)! I know that's actually six words, but it still is a good option!! I'm playing a bit of Devil's Advocate here, as I'm in the process of building an MN3005 Aquaboy DX myself, but I got those chips from a very reliable source which was not Ebay. I've got three, will use those, and then it's either MN3205's or PT2399's. PT's make very nice delays!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: mrsmith on August 16, 2013, 01:01:57 PM
I'm leaning now toward building a Zero Point SDX

Again, are you a beginner builder? What have you built? I'm not trying to discourage you from building something, but the ZPSDX is still a very complicated build. Saying it's easier than an Aquaboy is kind of like saying that The Name of the Rose is lighter reading than Finnegan's Wake.