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First post - caught the pedal building bug bad! 1st half dozen builds!

Started by richard_mcg, August 14, 2013, 05:23:44 AM

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Hi all!

I'm a super 'noob'  that has caught the pedal building bug big time!!  This is my first post, but I've been reading and trying to absorb as much information from all of the Yoda-like minds on these boards (many thanks and much kudos to all the pedal builders out there   ;D !!)

I ordered my first couple of kits from Mod Kits – "The Pink Floyd – Animals" (Pusuader Tube Drive) and the "Bicycle" (Verb) back in May I think?  And actually while I was waiting for the kits to arrive I built my very first pedal based on one of their layouts the "Millie-pede" (Thunderdrive) – in honour of my beautiful baby daughter 'Millie'.

Since then I've been busy drilling, painting, sticker applying, soldering, (along with lots of cheering when all goes well mixed with much swearing when things go awry!)  Just wanted to start with reasonably simple tagboard type stuff while I get my confidence and soldering chops up before I moved to the PCBs, so have built the Beavis Trotsky Drive, Bazz Fuzz, Zwiss Army Knife, Lovepedal COT50, LPB-1, Fuzz Factory Turret mainly from layouts on tagboardeffects.

I've just received my first 4 boards from Mad Bean in the post and (with brand new solder tip installed) took the plunge and soldered up the Hipster Fuzz – rocked it and it works! Yay!  Will box it up in the coming week and post.

So here goes – here's some pics of some of the outsides/insides (please excuse my spaghetti wiring, still working on improving that  ;) )....

Thanks again to everyone for sharing all your amazing knowledge!!!!!!...

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Thanks again!! Rock on!!!


"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Welcome to the board. Those are really nice first builds. Can't wait to see what's coming down the line.

As far as the spaghetti goes, what I did to improve was study the build reports here. Look at how some of the guys use ground points to shorten wires, same with the power. How they use things like wire ties and heat shrink. There are so many excellent builders to learn from.


That's one heck of a first post! The Millie-pede is my favorite.

This makes me giggle:
QuoteJust wanted to start with reasonably simple tagboard type stuff while I get my confidence and soldering chops up before I moved to the PCBs

Normally it's the other way around ... Not many people's first builds are point to point or tagboard. :)


The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



Quote from: pickdropper on August 14, 2013, 01:33:24 PM
Great first post.

The R2D2 boombox made me chuckle.

+1 on the R2D2 boombox!  These are great builds 8)


Quote from: slimtriggers on August 14, 2013, 02:22:29 PM
Quote from: pickdropper on August 14, 2013, 01:33:24 PM
Great first post.

The R2D2 boombox made me chuckle.

+1 on the R2D2 boombox!  These are great builds 8)

Thanks guys!  Gotta have your C3PO 'cans' to match your R2D2 boombox  ;) – lol!!


I love the Somewhere In Time era Eddy on that one. What's the circuit in that one?
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
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Quote from: culturejam on August 14, 2013, 06:37:22 PM
I love the Somewhere In Time era Eddy on that one. What's the circuit in that one?

Thanks culturejam  ;D  I'm a massive 'Maiden' fan (seen them like 12 times in four different countries) so I just had to pay homage to Eddie!  He was the recipient of a 'Lovepedal COT50' brain transplant.

The orientation of the switch is in a bit of a weird location, but on the original picture his left eye was this kind of cyborg site thing so I just had to put the switch in there and have his right eye light up blue to match!!



Looking for a discontinued madbean board?  Check out my THREAD

Now carrying Matched JFETS


I'm in love with your artwork, but how the heck do you keep the boardless circuit from shorting any time it's moved? I like the organized chaos inside with such polished intrigue outside ;D Did you think about trying to put the switch on the hub of the bicycle? It looks like there wouldn't have been a way, but I hope the stuff I build looks even half as lovely as all of these!