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Small problem with purple plexi 800

Started by jorel, August 11, 2013, 11:12:14 PM

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Hello all!

Don't know if I can ask this here, but it is well, forgive me ... I made the purple plexi 800 with a PCB and layout out of Freestomboxes ( the elrengofa), works very well the pedal, but when you turn off the note occurs as an effect of a fuzz incorrectly calibrated, i have seen videos of the creator of the layout, but that didn't come to listen to that drawback that makes me me, nor I have a very large sustain as has the pedal in if.

Buy new components, and are still doing the problem, any i could help please?

I will try to record something tonight so they can hear.




Hey Jorel,

It seems you've asked this question in the general questions forum, and what it sounds like is you need some tech help.

We have a tech help forum, and there's an introduction thread that you can look at that will give you some common tech problems, and also give you some tips on how to troubleshoot and then share the info we need to see.

I'm moving this thread over to that forum, and you should read the "rules for tech help" thread to get yourself started.

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