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is genuis to hard for me?

Started by neve1272, August 11, 2013, 09:11:37 PM

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 Ok i have done several cowboy level builds (kingslayer mudbunny faultline wooly mammoth)
and i just finished a multiplex echo machine ..which kicked my ass some but finely got it going

am i ready for the stage fright? it just arrived and am somewhat scare to start it


as a blanket statement, nothing to it. take it easy, triple check every step you make and you'll be fine. bigger builds are mostly just that, bigger than small ones. once in a while you get some weird thing going on (like an lfo) but if it ends up not working you always have this board to help you get things straightened out.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


Yep you got it.
Also take comfort that you got tons of genius builders on here that will get you sorted if it comes to that. Go for it

Another tip is to just do a bit at a time and don't try to knock out a huge build in one sitting. Its amazing how staring at tiny components and breathing in solder smoke over long periods of time can have a hallucinogenic effect  :P


Quote from: muddyfox on August 11, 2013, 09:16:47 PM
take it easy

Let me repeat: take it easy. The more time you invest in building the less time you need to invest in searching errors.

Quote from: muddyfox on August 11, 2013, 09:16:47 PM
triple check every step

Triple check every step. If you're super confident: double check at least. Trust nobody. Especially not yourself.
It's easier to avoid mistakes than find them.

I typically check every resistor with my multimeter as I'm never sure about the color bands. Tendous? Boring? Not!
I inspect every solder point immediately (is it shiny and not too small and not too big touching anything unwanted).
I socket all ICs and transistors, sometimes even diodes (i.e. the semiconductors).
Pay special attention to the orientation of ICs, transistors, diodes, and electrolytic capacitors.
Read the build document carefully.
What can happen? Defective components. Not your fault.
Everything else only depends on your concentrated work. If you're tired, have a break.

Go for it! Some mistakes need to be made to learn what you're doing. Patience and persistency pays.


Quote from: kothoma on August 11, 2013, 09:35:12 PM
Patience and persistency pays.

Well I hope to get that fortune cookie one day. Maybe patience and persistency pays.


Yeah, if you built the multiplex you can build a Stage Fright.  The hard part about the stage fright, is the high component count.

Take your time in each section and you'll do fine.


sweet thank you guys ill start order the part i dont have