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Low rider 2in1 questions

Started by Matt, August 09, 2013, 11:45:52 PM

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I'm thinking about building  a low rider with a fuzz before it in the same enclosure.  Probably no big deal but are their any concerns with this?  I thought I had read where some 2in1s don't "play well together."

Second question, assuming all is good with the above, are their any fuzz recommendations beyond the fuzz face?  The simpler and smaller, the better.

Thanks in advance.


I like the idea of a fuzz with this octaver...sounds cool !

Personally, I really like the Big Muff General guitar gadget (the GGG tuned version)'s a pretty allround fuzz, very versatile......somewhere between the Muff tone and the Tonebender. Awesome !

Happy building !
Jonny Rock the "French Canadian"

Affiliation : Jonny Rock Gear


the smallest fuzz ever is possibly the bazz fuss. you may consider trying the fuzz after the octave as well, octave effects tend to work better with simpler, sine-like signals (like a guitar).

a good fuzz on the other hand, will typically handle anything you can throw at it (complex chords not included).


I just built one with a Lowrider and Runt. It sounds sonicly sinister


Quote from: jonnyrockgear on August 10, 2013, 12:48:45 AM
I like the idea of a fuzz with this octaver...sounds cool !

Personally, I really like the Big Muff General guitar gadget (the GGG tuned version)'s a pretty allround fuzz, very versatile......somewhere between the Muff tone and the Tonebender. Awesome !

Happy building !
the big muff does work really well in front of it but it has a bigger footprint than I want. 
Quote from: giantrobot on August 10, 2013, 06:50:46 AM
I just built one with a Lowrider and Runt. It sounds sonicly sinister
this might be an option I'll try it out when I get a chance.
Quote from: stecykmi on August 10, 2013, 12:55:52 AM
the smallest fuzz ever is possibly the bazz fuss. you may consider trying the fuzz after the octave as well, octave effects tend to work better with simpler, sine-like signals (like a guitar).

a good fuzz on the other hand, will typically handle anything you can throw at it (complex chords not included).
. That's why I asked, I always forget about the buzz fuss.  I'll have to try this one for sure. 

Using a fuzz in front brings out the upper octave a bit more and gives the low rider even more of an organ sound.  Add a distortion after the fuzz and low rider, and all hell breaks loose. 

croquet hoop

Quote from: Dc10 on August 10, 2013, 09:43:14 AMthe big muff does work really well in front of it but it has a bigger footprint than I want. 

Just in case, if you'd still like a Muff, and if you're not afraid of tight layouts, Pickdropper sells 1590A-sized Muff pcbs.


If you're not sure on the order of the Lowrider and the fuzz, it might be worth the trouble to install a 3PDT to switch the order. Might be cool to have both options, ie fuzz into octave or octave into fuzz. PM me if you need a wiring diagram, I have one I used for a Boost/OD combo, works great!

"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


i usually put a flip switch order switcher, i don't think i've ever built a fuzz/od combo without it. very useful gizmo and all it takes is a switch and a few wires.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


So, this got me thinking. There are spots you could pull the signals off for the clean and octave up (say C9 and the clean pot) and then run them to independent fuzzes or distortions and then bring them back into the circuit. That way you could leave the lower octaves relatively clean and mangle the others as much as you wanted.

I've already boxed my Low Rider, but I might have to pull it apart now.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


would there be phase shifting concerns in that setup?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2


I think that as long as your distortion circuits maintain the incoming phase it should be OK.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: RobA on August 10, 2013, 07:26:46 PM
So, this got me thinking. There are spots you could pull the signals off for the clean and octave up (say C9 and the clean pot) and then run them to independent fuzzes or distortions and then bring them back into the circuit. That way you could leave the lower octaves relatively clean and mangle the others as much as you wanted.

I had wondered if that was possible but had given up on the idea.  Damn, that could be sweet!