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Amp Advice

Started by irmcdermott, July 24, 2013, 05:07:25 PM

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I've been going back and forth on buying a new amp, or keep the DIY spirit alive and build one.

I've been working hard and saving up and hope by the end of the year I'll have enough to purchase a Morgan RV35 or Carr Impala. They both have the Blackface tones, the RV35 more Deluxe Reverb (i think) and the Carr more Bassman.

I really don't need a 50W amp like the Carr, and the Morgan's 35W really appealed to me.

Now, I could save myself a whole lot of money and attempt to build my own, and maybe pickup the Reverend Tricky Gomez that I've been wanting with the left over cash, but I wanted to see what you all think is out there as far as DIY amp that could get me in that 35W Blackface with reverb kind of range. Anyone built one?



Weber has kits for that price range in a variety of Blackface styles. Wattage would be right up your alley too.

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Quote from: jkokura on July 24, 2013, 05:19:02 PM
Weber has kits for that price range in a variety of Blackface styles. Wattage would be right up your alley too.


Thanks Jacob, I will start there.


Here's my build report on a Weber 6A14HP (Princeton Reverb, high-power). Just what you were describing.


Thanks Scott. That's what I've been looking at so far.


If I didn't want the Vibrato could I just leave those two pots off? And how difficult was adding the master volume?

Or at this point should I be looking at a different kit, haha.


I have a power transformer that would do well for that project. I think I got it from OHS in a buy I did with him. If you want it Ian, let me know. You'll probably use it before I would.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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Adding the master volume was easy. Removing the trem would be fairly simple, too. You could either plug the holes, or get a new faceplate. Of course, the MV could go in the front panel in one of the holes, and you could add a presence/resonance control in the other hole.

I don't know if you'll find another kit that's so affordable, that gives you (most of) what you want. Other kit mfg's offerings start getting into the prices for good used genuine articles. Of course, you can always piecemeal the process, pick up a chassis here, a cabinet there, eyelet board and components somewhere else. You might be able to save a couple of bucks, but shipping from different vendors may make it a wash.