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Zero Point SDX : Adding Taptation , how to do it?

Started by heavenwithin, July 23, 2013, 04:45:52 PM

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Just Got my Zero Point SDX PCB. I had implemented the Taptation circuit with the sea urchin, but never quite liked it as it got too noisy at longer delay settings. Will it work on the zero point? How to and where to add it on the circuit? any help?



Hey there,

So, as far as I've seen, I don't think anyone has yet to successfully implement the taptation with a ZPSDX. The design of the ZPSDX uses a current mirror setup with two transistors controlling two different PT2399's using one Delay pot. So, replacing the Delay pot with the taptation is only one element that needs to be done - you also have to make it work with the current mirroring, as well as the onboard modulation.

So, I'm not saying that it can't be done, but rather, there's nobody who's done it and posted how thus far. As for me, I'm still working on getting my Zero Point working, let alone trying to make a Taptation work with it!

You can try, and we can try and help you if you'd like.

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Thanks for the reply. I'll be glad to know if someone successfully does it as I am totally clueless how it can be implemented.


This guy done it with ZPDD it's not the same pedal but it uses the same transistor arrangement on pin 6.
I build stuff for myself, sometimes I do 1 offs, I label them as HornBlende Audio.


Thanks for the link...some idea there to experiment with.... :)


I'm interested in this as well...... looks like the above linked mod removes the mirrored current portion.