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First Build Help

Started by ckalinec, January 31, 2011, 10:23:08 PM

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Ok I as I was looking I noticed another question.

Why is it that in the build docs C8 and C19 have a positve/negative and are circular while C9 and C20 are Square and have no positive negative. The build docs show these to be the same value etc. Can you help me out with this?

Thanks for all the help guys!


same value, C8 and C19 are polarized (electrolytic) the others are regular film.


Hmmm, I guess I ordered 4 polarized caps. Will Radioshack carry some regular film caps?


I haven't seen them at radio shack before. Futurlec has them( but I hear they take forever with shipping. I just put in an order 2 days ago so we'll see!
Small bear has lots of box caps for sale, the shipping is probably faster with them.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


This should be the right thing right? It says they have them in stock at my local radioshack


yes that will work. i read it wrong. i thought you were asking for box caps!
I feel its overpriced but thats the exchange for convenience.
and now i know where you got those blue caps from..hmmm
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Ya exactly, I don't want to wait a week.

And actually, everything in that pic came from smallbear


If I want to use just two mono jacks instead of a stereo jack I can right? I don't care about the battery


Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Welp, got everything solder up and in the enclosure. I just can't test it out to see if it works until friday. The LED's work so that's gotta be a good sign! haha