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more Nautilus trouble

Started by kobevc, July 02, 2013, 10:49:08 AM

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Hi all,
I'm having problems getting my Nautilus to work properly and browsing older posts I did't find a solution yet...
I'm getting sound and a filtering effect on one side of the range mode (when the LED is not lit, but lights up with the effect) but when I turn open the sweep pot and/or the gain pot I get internal feedback noise, as if there were a feedback loop or no sound at all (with the LED lit up constantly). When I switch the range switch (LED lit, filter diminishing light), the effect doesn't work at all, only more of this feedback noise or no sound at all.

I'm using the VTL5c2 vactrols since I read these would work as well and they were the only ones available at the time. I will order the VTL5c3's as well, but I think the problem is elsewhere if people seem to have get it to work fine with the VTL5c2

I checked for solder bridges, re-flown solder, double checked orientation of all caps, diodes, IC's and wiring of pots and switches, but all seems fine. I still have to check voltages...

Anyone have any idea where else to look?

thanks a lot for your help!!


Put the sweep at zero for now. There are a lot of broken settings when it's above, say, 9:00 (I talk about this in my demo, too).

The C2 is *radically* different from the C3. Check the data sheet -- it has a much smaller range for one thing, and a different light memory. I do actually think that could be part of your problem.

Smallbear has two clones of the C3, the Macron one and the Silo ex R3. Both are more reasonably priced.


Thanks! I'll replace the vactrols and see if it helps...


I'm new here and far from an expert (I can't get mine to do anything) but having checked out every post on the nautilus, I read to flow solder on both sides as the board's circuit path is double sided. That is my next task (this morning hopefully) but noticed you did  not list it in your trouble shooting.


After a few weeks of vacation I finally got to replace the vactrols in my Nautilus and now it works like a charm :)
I can't find the thread where I read that the C2 vactrols could be used as well, but in any case that's NOT true...


Quote from: kobevc on August 09, 2013, 10:42:46 AM
After a few weeks of vacation I finally got to replace the vactrols in my Nautilus and now it works like a charm :)
I can't find the thread where I read that the C2 vactrols could be used as well, but in any case that's NOT true...

I think the thread you're thinking of was using them in one of the delay oscillators, maybe the Multiplex Jr.