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Started by sp3k, July 01, 2013, 03:14:53 AM

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I built a runt, it works like it is supposed to, except the gain doesn't go has high has it should, it goes to a bit more then half on a normal rat.

I reheated all the solder joints, tried a different ic and transistor, checked all the values, and I'm still not having any luck...

I  modded the circuit like a slow loris, and every mod works great. I didn't had the extra C to the circuit, that the slow loris seams to have, but I think it's just a power filter thing, so I doubt it's that...

Do you guys think I might have a bad batch of ICs? What should I try?


I did the stock Runt bill of materials, and it has ten tons of gain, no problems. (Mind you, it's the first Rat-a-like I've played.)
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- Terry Pratchett
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Double check R4 and R5. Make sure they're R and not K. That would make a huge difference.


So, I've undid all the mods, it's stock now. If checked all the the components 4 times now. I've got a transistor and an ic from a factory rat that is working properly and the dam thing still has lower gain then it's suppose to. I've even switch some 16v cabs for 20 something v...

The only thing I can see being wrong, is if I had a bag of caps with the wrong labeling, but that seams to far fetch.

Any ideas?


Post pics and voltages.