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Using electrolytic capacitors in place of film ones?

Started by ok, June 28, 2013, 07:01:18 PM

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Hey guys, so I recently ordered myself a KingSlayer board from madbean. I began working on it the second I got it, but I ran into two problems.
A. I accidentally ordered electrolytic caps instead of film caps which were supposed to be 1uF. Can I just use the electrolytic ones in their place or would that cause problems due to their polarity/not work at all?
B. One of the 1n34a diodes that I ordered came broken in the mail :(
So do you guys know if using elec caps in place of film ones is possible?
Do you guys also know of a store that sells parts like these? I really don't feel like ordering online again and having to pay shipping and handling for only 3 parts. I already checked radioshack, but they didn't have those parts.
Thanks for any help in advance, it's greatly appreciated! 

croquet hoop

You can use electro/polarized caps instead of film caps, but you'll have to take care of polarity.

Tayda has cheap shipping rates, if there is no shop near you and if you are okay with the shipping time they can be great for small orders like this (no $20 shipping fee for $1 worth of parts). Also, always buy a few spares, as you just experienced, bad things can happen. Extra caps or diodes are always useful anyway, so ordering a few more never hurts


A word of warning about Tayda's 1n34a... they are all crap. All of them.

I've ordered 20pieces on three different occasions, all of them came in dead or unusable. And by unusable I mean with forward voltage drop of over 2V  :o

I've contacted Tayda about it and each and every time they gave me full refund in store credit. I guess they know all about it.  ;)

The only legit (decent fvd) 1n34a's I've ever gotten (and I've tried all the usual shady chinese crap peddlers, G&C, polida and such) were from Barry over at Bought 10, all of them right on the money.

croquet hoop

I read different things about Tayda's 1n34a diodes... messages from approx. 1 year ago state thay they do not behave like ge diodes, more recent messages state or imply that they do... I just received some from them, I guess I'll have to test them to see what I got. Same for their 1n270's.


Please do. I got my latest batch beginning of May and all 20 were unusable. Got my refund the very next day.  ;)


Thanks for the help guys.
Gonna take a look at the schematic and figure out how to put in the elec caps.
And I have one 1n34a, only missing another one. Isn't there anything that I could replace it with? I have plenty of LED's lying around, couldn't using a 1n34a and a LED work?