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Galacticon Phase Shifter (non-madbean)

Started by Stomptown, June 25, 2013, 05:41:57 AM

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Here is what I put together over the weekend. It's a Phase 45 clone that I decided to call the Galacticon Phase Shifter. I put it together using a schematic I found on pedal geeks united, which appeared to be very similar to the Madbean Smoothie schematic. In fact, the only difference was the use of a TL074 in place of the two 72's and I decided to modify it and use the 72's to make the layout tighter. I am getting ready to verify a new board with a very similar layout that has the depth mod added on. I like my phasers subtle so I'm excited to hear it in action. That is... if it works!  ;D  If so, I will have a few extra boards up for grabs so I will keep people posted...




Nice etch and very clean build 8)

I love phasers, univibes, if you get that board verified would love to have one :)



Works at Lectric-FX


Fantastic. Love all your builds. The dial indicators around the speed knob really sets it off.


This board is so .... Full :-). I am impressed.
DIY-PCBs and projects:


Nice build.  I especially dig the big old knob and graduated 0-100 speed scale in the etch.  And of course the clean innards make me feel inadequate. 


The inside is so tight,inspires someone like myself to make a mini.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: pryde on June 25, 2013, 12:33:41 PM
Fantastic. Love all your builds. The dial indicators around the speed knob really sets it off.

Yep.  The dial indicator is what does it for me as well.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


nice layout nice etch.  This board and your 1590A tonebender look great you should sell them I'd be interested.


Love it.. I am attempting a few more etches my self. This is very inspirational, I love the numbering.


Woah! :o

That's beautiful!

Quote from: pickdropper on June 25, 2013, 01:56:29 PM
Quote from: pryde on June 25, 2013, 12:33:41 PM
Fantastic. Love all your builds. The dial indicators around the speed knob really sets it off.

Yep.  The dial indicator is what does it for me as well.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Oh man....

A 3mm Red flashing rate LED at the end of that "phaser" would be perfect  8)


Thanks for the compliments guys! I found the dial from a google search on speed dial or something like that. It was one of the first things that popped up and just seemed perfect!

I have been going with the grunge look with my etches lately. I have found that I like them more than clean etches. They just seem to have more character. Plus, pristine etches are so hard to keep clean. I hate seeing all of the oils from my hands on an otherwise perfect enclosure!

Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on June 25, 2013, 08:22:40 PM
Oh man....

A 3mm Red flashing rate LED at the end of that "phaser" would be perfect  8)

Now why didn't I think of that! Great idea! I need to start thinking about led placement more when I do my graphics...


Ditto all the props everyone else has given you. The precision dial is perfectly offset by the grunge look. This is one classy build.
"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of football team, or some nuclear weapons, but in the very least you need a beer." ― Frank Zappa


Any chance you could send me the file you used for this etch?  I promise I won't steal it, I just want to see what it looked like before etching for my own education.