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Harbinger One

Started by twin1965, June 21, 2013, 01:16:06 PM

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Finally finished this but I'm still waiting for the Dunlop psu I ordered on-line. The original psu I ordered caused terrible noise/oscillation. Probably because its a switch mode type and not meant for this type of effect. It worked perfectly well with two 9V batteries connected in series :) So I can deduce that there is nothing wrong with the build! (Fingers crossed!)

Pics are not too good as my Samsung Galaxy that I normally use is sick and being repaired :(

Its hard to find the right 'shield' to cover the bulb and ldr's but i found this San Pellegrino cap perfect. I just had to cut the bottom part and sand it down to the correct height. I used a metallic silver Sharpie to 'paint' the inside. I then lined the bottom with blu-tack and stuck it on the board. Seems to work!

This is another great project from Madbean :)


That looks really, really nice.

The only thing I would change would be to replace those knobs (which I admit aren't my favorite) with silver metal knobs.  That would look fantastic.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I have no idea whatsoever what Pellegrino is supposed to represent, but this has a very strong Burger King poster feel to me, very 1950's America, and it looks good within there :)
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- Terry Pratchett
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Quote from: pickdropper on June 21, 2013, 01:27:04 PM
The only thing I would change would be to replace those knobs (which I admit aren't my favorite) with silver metal knobs.  That would look fantastic.

I agree about the knobs (that's what I had lying around).

Quote from: alanp on June 21, 2013, 01:27:24 PM
I have no idea whatsoever what Pellegrino is supposed to represent, but this has a very strong Burger King poster feel to me, very 1950's America, and it looks good within there :)

San Pellegrino is Italian mineral water. I'm into that 50's/60's Americana vibe (no pun intended  ;)) at the moment. I've built five pedals with that type of look.


mmm, this is a good idea. can you explain how did you did the lamp & photocells cover?
what o you have on the side?


Cut the bottom 'lip' of the cap (its very soft) then file or sand it till its smooth. Place it on the board and make sure that its low enough for the lid to close! Repeat until you get the right height. Then roll some blu-tack or plasticine (blu-tack is stickier) and stick around the bottom edge. Place on the board and press gently. I find this stays put and doesn't come off easily. I could have glued it or soldered it in place but this would have made it harder to change the bulb in the future.

The inside of the cap I just painted with a metallic ink pen. Whether this is good or not I don't know but I get a good effect  :)


Nice looking U-Vibe there. Really dig the retro America theme


Wonderful looking build, and excellent work on the knob indicators (I know how hard something like that is to get right)

I'm really enjoying the things people find to use as their light shields. It makes every Harbinger build report exciting ... :)


I love everything about this build.  Sending me back to the drawing board...


Beautiful looking pedal. I love that Peligrino cap and the star.

Did you use the filter board? If so, where did you put it?


Quote from: twin1965 on June 21, 2013, 04:49:33 PM
Cut the bottom 'lip' of the cap (its very soft) then file or sand it till its smooth. Place it on the board and make sure that its low enough for the lid to close! Repeat until you get the right height. Then roll some blu-tack or plasticine (blu-tack is stickier) and stick around the bottom edge. Place on the board and press gently. I find this stays put and doesn't come off easily. I could have glued it or soldered it in place but this would have made it harder to change the bulb in the future.

The inside of the cap I just painted with a metallic ink pen. Whether this is good or not I don't know but I get a good effect  :)

awesome. but that's the top of a bottle, not a small cap like the beer one, right?
you gave me a super idea, i was looking for a small something to use.
very clever, very cool. thanks



The more I look at this the more impressed I am. You nailed it at every level. The design the fonts. I love that retro look. Great work!


Stellar work! I love the retro graphics you came up with and great idea using a bottle cap for the light cover!


Quote from: billstein on June 21, 2013, 05:49:11 PM

Did you use the filter board? If so, where did you put it?

I did use it but I decided not to place it inside the box! There's not too much space in there so I didn't want to try and squeeze it in. Didn't want to use a larger enclosure either.

I'm using it externally. Wrapped-up in yellow electrical tape. Looks like a dongle! The 18V psu is only being used for this effect so this has become part of it :)

Quote from: midwayfair on June 21, 2013, 05:34:37 PM
Wonderful looking build, and excellent work on the knob indicators (I know how hard something like that is to get right)

I wasn't that confident that I was going to get the indicators right! If my drilling was off by too much then it wouldn't have worked. I always drill pot holes a little bit larger than normal so I can arrange them better in case my drilling is off.