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which mudbunny for bass

Started by neve1272, June 17, 2013, 08:54:01 PM

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ok  guys here's my dilemma

i made my wife a few pedals when she started playing bass and im really new to this

i did a kingslayer with higher input caps and a vero build of a woolly mammoth and a fault line from hasher (?) discontinued board

she loves the fault line,  hates the pinch control on the wooly mammoth but loves the low end that it retains

so she asked if its possible to have the smoothness of her big muffs (not so zippery )  with the low end that the woolly mammoth has    would 1 of these make her happy? im wanting to make an order for some boards real quick and could use the advice


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I agree with a green russian and you can also experiment around with the in/output caps. The wooly mammoth uses 220n input and output caps so you could start there on the russian.


thanks guys i ordered 2 boards and am gonna socket the one and work on jaunsolo ideas for muff

i hope she likes the green 1 ....she is very picky

thanks again for the replies


I am currently using a green Russian mod of the jimijr that Carl (over at godbox fx) and I dreamed up
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.