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The Buzz Fuzz

Started by pryde, June 12, 2013, 07:05:21 PM

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Here is a 1776 effects BuzzSaw that was built for my good friend who owns a local bike shop in my area. I am a long time cyclist (mountain and road biking) and his shop has been my go-to for nearly 20 years of cycling.

Really its a "fully functional" promotional piece and tribute to the bike shop as my friend is not a musician (however is a huge music lover). I made a small display to also promote my wares to some of his customers who might be interested so its a win-win for all. He loves it even though he has no idea how to operate it  ;D



That is really sharp looking! Hope it draws some work your way for you!


Wow Pryde! Great looking build.


now that's a real looker!
great work sir! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Nice gift for your friend, great looking pedal, love the little cogs around the knobs, great advertising for you, a winner all round IMO, all the best, Matt.


Contract PCB designer


Those are some sick graphics! That is not only a great way to promote the shop and your biz; it is going to be a great conversation piece for sure! I may have to do the same for my friends music shop!


It seems like I'm always asking you how you did that. So here goes, is that a waterslide and envirotex ( envirotec?) I've really got to try that.


Thanks everyone. I think it is for sure a cool way to promote some business and a cool conversation piece for curious onlookers. Its a bit of a bummer that such a great circuit (Thanks Josh!) won't be used musically but I still have my own buzzsaw so all is good.

It is just a inkjet waterslide decal and some clear-gloss enamel to top it off, no envirotex. After building so many pedals, I got the waterslide/clear-coat down fairly well; however, I do want to try envirotex as it does look great.


Wow!  I love the sprockets under the knobs and against the honey comb pattern.


+1 on Jon's "bee-eautiful".  Your stuff looks like how I envision my stuff.  It just inspires me to make awesome looking pedals.  Nice job.


Very cool!  I'm a mountain biker when my allergies aren't killing me.  How geeky is it that I think I recognize the tread pattern of the knobby tracks in the graphic?  (WTB Weirwolf?)


Quote from: slimtriggers on June 14, 2013, 12:00:02 AM
Very cool!  I'm a mountain biker when my allergies aren't killing me.  How geeky is it that I think I recognize the tread pattern of the knobby tracks in the graphic?  (WTB Weirwolf?)

Ha I think you're right. I had some of those at some point but run maxxis crossmarks now. I need all the help I can get with lightweight components these days  ;D


Looks like that should create quite the buzz.

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