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Dirtbag - a selection of chips on hand, which ones to use?

Started by handlefras, June 09, 2013, 08:31:37 AM

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Hi guys,

I have the Dirtbag board plus V3205 and MN3005 chips on hand. Which version should I build?
Sounds simple - "build the MN3005 version!", right?

Maybe, but its a little more complicated than that, here's the dilemma:

1. The MN3005 chips I have are in an original big box DMM - so using those chips will render that pedal a rusty paperweight. (This pedal is working, but pretty hammered and has some other switching issues, so is not in mint condition).

2. I have already started populating the Dirtbag board with the jumpers and all the resistors (incl Bean's latest revisions) up to R34, as I was planning to use the V3205 chips.

The only reason I'm having cold feet on the V3205 version is that I have just spent an hour reading threads on this forum where people appear disappointed with their V3205 builds and given that I already have I working DMM, there seems to be no real point in building a sub-par copy of the real thing.

So, while I realise this is solely my decision to make, does anyone have an opinion which might guide me?


Does the big box DMM work?
Fancy selling it?

Problem then solved!


hello mate, welcome to the madbean forum :)

if it was me, i'd refurbish the original and leave those precious and delicate original bbds well alone.  


Thanks guys,

Yes - the big box DMM works. The enclosure is very rusty (maybe the previous owner played gigs in the rain?!) and sometimes when switching from delay to bypass, it loses all signal. Then the signal slowly increases in volume over a few seconds kind of like a capacitor charging/discharging?? I thought it may be a problem with the switching relay but never investigated further. Its also quite noisy/hissy when turned on, though I guess this could be a power supply issue. Sorry LS, its not really for sale.

When starting the Dirtbag project I was aiming to get the DMM sound, but in a smaller (non-rusty) enclosure, able to run off my PedalPower ISO5 and with reliable switching. I was/am also keen for a challenging DIY - that being the inspiration behind this forum afterall!

nzCdog - Hey man, I recognise your handle from NZGuitars. :)  Have you built the Dirtbag?


Hi from NZG as well!

The v3205's work, but they do not have a terrible lot of headroom. My Dirtbag works well in my flange fxloop, but I prefer the Multiplex in the actual signal chain.

Have you gotten a quote from MacPherson or someone else to fix the big box DMM?
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I'd buy a fake MN3008 pair from smallbear and have a half delay DMM, best of both worlds, but short delay.

But no, leave the original DMM alone, ruining one pedal to build another is never acceptable  :P
Works at Lectric-FX


Alan - I haven't got a quote from MacPherson - not a bad idea, though I reckon if I looked into it hard enough, I could fix it myself.

Scruffie - not even a Daphon?  :P  But seriously, is it best to buy the MN3008s or the fake MN3005s from smallbear? I see they do both for about the same price ~$15ea.


Quote from: handlefras on June 10, 2013, 10:23:49 AM
Alan - I haven't got a quote from MacPherson - not a bad idea, though I reckon if I looked into it hard enough, I could fix it myself.

Scruffie - not even a Daphon?  :P  But seriously, is it best to buy the MN3008s or the fake MN3005s from smallbear? I see they do both for about the same price ~$15ea.
Not even a Daphon  :D I actually quite liked the delay I had of theirs all those years back.

The fake 3005s you get a pair for that cost and they're just remarked 3008s so it's cheaper than the 3008s  ;)
Works at Lectric-FX