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Clean boost of Aristocrat vs. clean boost of Sunking

Started by highway jones, January 25, 2011, 02:39:27 AM

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highway jones

I built a single-side version of the KOT on vero board (without the treble trimmer). However, I have considered building both sides since I would primarily use one side for a boost before the red/yellow channel. 

I am currently building the Sunking as well.  It seems like most people run this after their dirt whereas I am used to a boost prior to OD/distortion. 

Anyone compare running the Aristocrat boost prior to the yellow/red channel vs using the Sunking as a clean boost placing it after the Aristocrat?  Any preferences?


In my opinion, the KOT doesn't do well as a booster. it's meant to be at least a little bit dirty. There's also very little extra volume available, as unity is about 3 o'clock on the knob, and maxed out it's only a 'little' bit louder - barely louder really.

The sunking as a clean boost is MAGNIFICENT in comparison. I wouldn't even consider the KOT in the same league as far as boost is concerned. For what it's worth, I'm currently using the Sunking in this format in front of a tubescreamer to provide a little bit of extra oompf.

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They are definitely different sounding. the clean boost feature on the Aristocrat is fine, in its own way. But, it does not have the same character as a Sunking used as a clean boost. IMO, I think the SK is probably more dynamic and has more character. IOW, it has more coloratrion. But, it's a good color, as Jacob mentioned.

For the Ari---I generally use the clean boost on the first channel to slam the front end of the second channel when I want a little more sizzle out of it.


I don't have a sunking built yet, but I couldn't see using the Aristocrat for a clean boost in itself.  It is a nice stacking pedal though.  By running the Aristocrat into another gain pedal that has more sustain you can get some really chewy lead tones!
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highway jones

Thanks for the responses!

I may just stick with a single side of the Aristocrat then and save some board real estate in the process.  I have a BYOC Triboost (extremely versatile and perfectly voiced MOSFET boost option) I can always run in front and I am also building a Boost'N'Buff just for experimentation.

I look forward to completing the Sun King in th enext week or so.....