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Jury Duty

Started by TNblueshawk, June 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM

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Well, I just served 2 days worth Mon and Tue for the first time in my life. I'm 49. Apparently they use drivers license registrations to pull from and since I've been a registred driver since before I was 18 almost in one county the whole time you got me as to why I was never called.

Fellers, there is a whole 'nother world out there that I want no part of. Criminal armed robbery between 2 rival gang members. I didn't really fancy being in that juror's box to be honest. What I listened to for those 2 days was fascinating and a depressing reality. I didn't 'learn' anything. What I thought I knew was only re-enforced sadly.

I hope it is another 49 years before I have to sit through that again.

Oh, I did 'learn' one thing. Apparently the GD's or the Ganster Disciples is not a gang at all like the Crips who are. They are and I quote " organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club...designed to help the community and the children of the community..."  Other than this I didn't actually learn anything.

Any other stories worth sharing? Curious how some other coutries work this.


Quote from: TNblueshawk on June 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM
" organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club...designed to help the community and the children of the community..."

Let me guess, this came out of the defense attorney's mouth. So sad, sometimes I wonder who is worse the criminals or the attorneys.


Quote from: murdog47 on June 06, 2013, 03:35:42 PM
Quote from: TNblueshawk on June 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM
" organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club...designed to help the community and the children of the community..."

Let me guess, this came out of the defense attorney's mouth. So sad, sometimes I wonder who is worse the criminals or the attorneys.

Nope, this came out of the girlfriend's mouth who was testifying on behalf of the perp. She tried to explain that the Crips (the victim's gang) are a real gang that do bad things and they on the other hand are there to serve the community. They were probably better served to not have her testify.

To answer your question though, the criminals are still worse but the attorneys are nipping at their heels to be sure.


I've been called up several times, but only sat on one actual trial. The defendant was an enforcer for a motorcycle organization. The charges had nothing to do with that activity, although the prosecution obviously did. I did learn a couple of things. The most important is that jurors can be really bad. Two direct quotes, "He's a man and they charged him, so he must be guilty." and "How can anyone really be guilty of anything?" Luckily, the person who was the jury foreman was really patient and able to reason with several of the jurors who really needed help with reasoning. If you ever go to trial and are innocent, hope for at least a couple of smart jurors.

The other thing I learned was that the prosecution really will come up with some interesting charges if they want to get someone. In this case, a truly minor and reasonably questionable domestic case (with both parties involved) turned into a felony witness tampering trial because two people who were both directly involved and charged had talked to each other. There wasn't even any evidence that they had talked about the case, just that they had been in a car together the night of the alleged crime, before anyone was even charged.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: TNblueshawk on June 06, 2013, 03:41:11 PM
Quote from: murdog47 on June 06, 2013, 03:35:42 PM
Quote from: TNblueshawk on June 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM
" organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club...designed to help the community and the children of the community..."

Let me guess, this came out of the defense attorney's mouth. So sad, sometimes I wonder who is worse the criminals or the attorneys.

Nope, this came out of the girlfriend's mouth who was testifying on behalf of the perp. She tried to explain that the Crips (the victim's gang) are a real gang that do bad things and they on the other hand are there to serve the community. They were probably better served to not have her testify.

To answer your question though, the criminals are still worse but the attorneys are nipping at their heels to be sure.

Believe it or not, in Chicago, the GD's sponsor the Fourth of July fireworks displays in some of the rougher neighborhoods, and it is accepted by the authorities.

However, the Boys and Girls Club they are not. Smart organized crime usually includes some community service and outreach. It makes excellent PR.


I always thought people got selected for jury from voting records.  Ot slected becuase they were shown to vote.

I sat on a Grand Jury once.  Got to indict a lady I used to work with.  It was eye-opening to see all the pics of the money, drugs, and firearms in their house.

I learned I didn't like the other jury members very much. 


I am currently serving 2 months of State grand jury.
2 days a week for 2 months.  And I get the added fun of having to travel almost 30 miles one way to do this.

We hear many cases per day (grand jury is not like normal trial jury, it's very different) but, it wakes you up to what's going on around you.  It's not a fun world out there.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


I sat 3.5 weeks on an intercity drug ring trial.  It makes you more aware of what's going on around that you didn't notice before.

It's just like buying a car.  You never saw anyone else with that car in that color until after you bought yours.
Contract PCB designer


We're you in the Santa Ana courthouse? I was just there too. Spent two days going through jury selection on a peeping tom case. I wasn't picked.


Bill, I'm in Nashville TN. I guess you were thining back to that thread about where I was from in LA originally.

The voting records, as I understand it, used to be how they did it but not any more. Of course I can only account for Davidson County which is the largest county that Nashville is part of.

Yeah, I didn't even talk about the jurors. In our case we only deliberated about 30 minutes or so. However, I could easily see how hard feelings can be had and some serious arguments can ensue. I guess the jury foreman/woman in our case could really play a large part like you said.

Spaceboss, the Chicago connection came up. The perp informed us that he learned everything on the internet about the GD's and that they were from Chicago etc...

I actually thought I'd get kicked off because for 26 years my wife has worked for the TN Bureau of Investigation. So I tried to play up the angle of her being involved with drug busts, fingerprinting people and now she does a lot of background checks for school employees etc... but, alas, it didn't work. Had to suck it up.


Quote from: TNblueshawk on June 06, 2013, 06:49:27 PM
Bill, I'm in Nashville TN. I guess you were thining back to that thread about where I was from in LA originally.

The voting records, as I understand it, used to be how they did it but not any more. Of course I can only account for Davidson County which is the largest county that Nashville is part of.

Yeah, I didn't even talk about the jurors. In our case we only deliberated about 30 minutes or so. However, I could easily see how hard feelings can be had and some serious arguments can ensue. I guess the jury foreman/woman in our case could really play a large part like you said.

Spaceboss, the Chicago connection came up. The perp informed us that he learned everything on the internet about the GD's and that they were from Chicago etc...

I actually thought I'd get kicked off because for 26 years my wife has worked for the TN Bureau of Investigation. So I tried to play up the angle of her being involved with drug busts, fingerprinting people and now she does a lot of background checks for school employees etc... but, alas, it didn't work. Had to suck it up.
I had to go in, but didn't make the cut..I suspect it was because I said,"well of course he's guilty, he's already in jail"
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I've managed to successfully avoid jury duty a couple of times, usually by answering the questions in such a fashion during selection that clearly indicates an unreasonable bias towards the accused (similar to Jimi's line).  Much more effective than a note from the boss, and after a while, they stop picking your name....
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Middle class people in the USA have no idea of the other world off the grid and only a few hundred feet from our own houses, churches and schools.
I went to a city commission meeting last month where a commissioner stated there were no hungry children in OUR community and everyone on drugs was from out of town.  I go to church with this man.  His oldest son is my brother-in-law.  I even really like him.  But dang, yo.  really?

Almost forgot, my favorite jury moment was grand jury when a son is being led  out in cuffs and his father is being led in in cuffs.   Both charged with selling marijuana.  The father headbutted and kicked the son, yelling that he told him to stay away from drugs.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Guys, I've had a rough day, but this is just killer depressing.  Our legal system hard at work.  I live in one of Illinois' arguably most affluent areas and I help out with a food pantry thru my church from time to time.  It's mind numbing to see folks crawl out of the woodwork around here 400 at a pop.  HERE!  I don't need to drive more than a few blocks and am surrounded by McMansions while doing this.

We could use Superman right about now... :-[
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


I thought about giving some nebulous answers but truthfully I just couldn't do it. A few did and they got grilled so you have to keep it going. Then they just tossed them back downstairs and they had to go through it all over again for the next case. That day there were 6 criminal trials so theoretically you would have to go through it 6 times I guess. Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

Now, if I had any inkling this was an OJ trial, no way in hell am I sitting on that one, unless I can bring my soldering iron to court  ;D. I actually have a job and would like to have one when I'm done too!