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Molotov (Cosmo)

Started by ch1naski, June 05, 2013, 09:46:22 PM

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I have never liked playing out of dirt pedals too much....I am more of a booster guy, because I own what I consider the best sounding amps out there (Dr Z Maz 18, and a Tone King Metropolitan). So for a little more gain, I just prefer to push the preamp tubes with a SHO-style circuit.

But this thing.....if I close my eyes, it's like I'm playing straight through my Maz, dimed. Hands down the best dirt pedal I've ever played through. And so tonally versatile. I am blown away.

I modified the etched board for a trimmer for bias, and used an AC176, hfe 83, very low leakage.

one louder.


Radical! I love the graphic.



On a darker note.... apparently, cutting down the potentiometer shafts with a cut-off wheel gets them hot. Hot enough to damage the carbon inside the pot. And I now have to rip it apart to fix it.

Lol, it wouldn't be mine unless I had to tear it apart to fix bonehead mistakes, I guess.:P SMH.

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one louder.


Nice work and your review makes building one of these very tempting.

I think I might have to see what I can knock up in eagle.


It's a great circuit. it can do boost, overdrive, and even fuzz. It's like a damn Swiss army knife of dirt. I bias mine so when it's got the fuzz side turned up, it's FUZZY. ;)
one louder.


Looks killer mate, love that graphic. I have had to cut a few pot shafts down myself lately, used a dremel, i hadn't heard that this can damage the pots. Is there another safer way to do this? all the best, Matt.


I'm not sure of a better way....but the knurled shaft pots they sell at tayda are just a bit too long for Davies knobs. And I just can't afford to go through some of the other supplier outlets, they are more than twice the price. I may try small bolt more cutting wheel for me, tho.  I'm pretty bummed out about having to redo the pots.
Ah well.....I have 10 more projects to do in the meantime:P

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
one louder.


Great looking build!
I've used a hand file and a hacksaw with no ill effects (other than blisters :-\)
Spud knows tone!

Captain Cod at


Very nice build. And by your verdict, I wanna build one of those too;) . (It sounds a bit stupid, but i am out lookin for another project with 5 knobs... i have an enclosure i want to re-use...).

By lookin at the PCB layout, i can really see the space for the trimmer replacement (R11, right). Good thinking:)

Yes i still have Blüe Monster pcb-s for sale!

...and checkout:


Nice build. You're right this is an incredibly versatile dirt box.


Fantastic graphics! Really really love everything about it.
As to circuit goes, haven't built one yet, but it is on my list for months I have an etched board for it, and everything I've heard about this circuit makes me think I'm gonna LOVE it, so, ... hm, maybe I'll put it in my 3-in-1 that I am planning. Hm... - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


First of all, great looking build.  The graphics are really cool.

I completely agree with you about this circuit.  It, along with the very similar Lunar Module, is one of my favorite dirt pedals.  So versatile.

I've also overheated and killed a potentiometer by grinding.  These days, I file them down, which is a pain and certainly penance for something horrible I've done in a former life.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Lovely build dude!

I agree about the screwdriver; it's a fantastic circuit (still need to box mine up).


Quote from: Vallhagen on June 06, 2013, 06:39:55 AM
Very nice build. And by your verdict, I wanna build one of those too;) . (It sounds a bit stupid, but i am out lookin for another project with 5 knobs... i have an enclosure i want to re-use...).

By lookin at the PCB layout, i can really see the space for the trimmer replacement (R11, right). Good thinking:)

yea, R11. I didn't have any 5k trimmers so I used a 10k, and set it at 2k7 before I soldered it in, and worked it from there....I never understood why some germanium circuits are set up without bias trimmers, given how temperamental they are to age and temperature....

Quote from: Guitarmageddon on June 06, 2013, 06:36:12 AM
Great looking build!

I've used a hand file and a hacksaw with no ill effects (other than blisters :-\)
a file....the thought occurred to me, but then I looked at my new dremel setup sitting in the room.....:o

Quote from: billstein on June 06, 2013, 07:26:18 AM
Nice build. You're right this is an incredibly versatile dirt box.

Quote from: Cortexturizer on June 06, 2013, 08:21:57 AM
Fantastic graphics! Really really love everything about it.
As to circuit goes, haven't built one yet, but it is on my list for months I have an etched board for it, and everything I've heard about this circuit makes me think I'm gonna LOVE it, so, ... hm, maybe I'll put it in my 3-in-1 that I am planning. Hm...

Quote from: pickdropper on June 06, 2013, 12:39:29 PM
First of all, great looking build.  The graphics are really cool.

I completely agree with you about this circuit.  It, along with the very similar Lunar Module, is one of my favorite dirt pedals.  So versatile.

I've also overheated and killed a potentiometer by grinding.  These days, I file them down, which is a pain and certainly penance for something horrible I've done in a former life.

Quote from: raulduke on June 06, 2013, 12:43:51 PM
Lovely build dude!

I agree about the screwdriver; it's a fantastic circuit (still need to box mine up).

Thank you, all. It's your build reports that motivate me to NOT leave mine in plain, unpainted enclosures.;) I usually just want to box them and throw them into the pedal board (which is actually just a rug on the ground ).
The only time I usually do any sort of artwork, is if I'm giving it away to my kid or a friend, or selling it to fund my next projects.

Another little tidbit I learned.....throwing the enclosure in the oven to help the clear coat dry faster is a bad idea if you have a waterslide decal on it...... anyone here remember shrinky-dinks?

I had to coat the box so thick to get rid of the edges of the decal after it started to shrink, it took 4 days to finally dry. 
SMH again. :P

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
one louder.


Very nice graphics, though I must say that being able to read Cyrilic makes your labels sound very funny. :)

About the pot shafts: I recently BROKE a set of clippers by trying to cut the pot shafts. And dented another very nice pair. I need something stronger I think. :(