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Inkscape printing

Started by stevie1556, May 26, 2013, 11:23:59 AM

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I've used ducktaperiots tutorial for inkscape, which has gone well so far. But whenever I print the image, or print it to PDF format, some of it is missing! I can't work out how to rectify it, so any help would be great. A pic below shows what I mean:

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I imagine it's the way your printer options are set up on your computer rather than in Inkscape.

Are you on a PC or Mac?


I have had similar odd printing problems with Inkscape.  When I have an image that won't print correctly I do the following.

1. Back the view out and make sure it is located in the correct spot on the page.
2. Select all, then export the selection as a png file.
3. Import the png into MS Word and make sure I got everything and the scale stayed constant.
4. Print from MS Word

I don't know what causes this problem.  Some of my images print perfectly from Inkscape, but there are others that won't no matter what I change.


I've had many numerous issues printing with Inkscape on multiple printers.  For me the thing that works most consistently is printing to a PDF first.  And then printing to printer.

I've had dimensions go slightly wrong, colors be way off or disappear, page placement be off, parts of images shift.  All manner of weirdness.


In this case it looks like your printer won't print completely edge to edge, ie it needs a little bit of margin for paper handling.  Inkscape is able to create and print an image without any margin, so you're losing that little bit where your printer can't print.

Exporting png into word helps because word has default margins built into the start template.  PDF is a good way to go too.

You can try adding margins in Inkscape either in page setup or the print dialogue, I think.  Probably easiest to just draw a box centered around your artwork that's about 1/4" bigger or so.  Place that box on a new layer, and turn the layer on/off as you need.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Thanks for all the replies guys!

I figured it what was wrong earlier when the F1 race was red flagged. I opened up the PDF file I created, and noticed that the label was put right on the edge of the paper. I know my inject can do edge to edge printing (when its turned on or setup), but I'm not sure about my laser one (I'll be using laserjet decals).

I managed to solve the issue by whining the layers I didn't want printed, grouping the rest together and moving them slightly. Not the ideal solution, but I'll be looking at setting up page margins or something similar in the next few days.

wgc - wish I saw your post earlier as it would have saved me a lot of head scratching!

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