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Nautilus Question

Started by Droogie, May 23, 2013, 06:26:24 PM

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Just boxed up a Nautilus and am really enjoying it! Not having owned anything like this before, I'm not sure if some of the sounds I get at certain settings are just part of the circuit (gating at extreme Gain and Sweep) or if there's an issue. There's so many usable sounds and everything seems to have the right effect when tweaked, I'm tempted to say it's cool, but still curious to know.  Thanks!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


I dont ever recall getting gating from my nautilus. Theres loads of usable sounds but it needs to be dialled into to get the sound youre after and different to say a dirt pedal where every setting is usable


Yeah, there are definitely some unusable settings on the Nautilus.  Sounds like yours is working fine.  :-)


Thanks, I'll keep on digging it!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Make sure the internal trim pot is set right

Mine was done per the instructions and it was backwards and way loud and gated


It is pretty loud with gain up—I'll check the trim.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Quote from: Droogie on May 24, 2013, 11:53:39 AM
It is pretty loud with gain up—I'll check the trim.

This is normal. It's a very loud pedal, and not really the sort of thing meant to run at unity volume. My personal opinion is that it was never even meant to be turned on and off several times in the same song ...

The trim is the gain of the final op-amp stage, and really it's only there to provide a little boost if the pedal is too quiet in your favorite settings.


There's definitely a learning curve for this one, which is kinda cool. I notice that due to the envelope settings, it can seem as if it's quiet—until you pick harder and it suddenly gets loud enough to disrupt gravity!

Trying out new sounds is one of the great things about DIY, though. I probably never would have bought an actual Mutron since the sounds it creates aren't usually associated with the styles of music I play. But being addicted to building leads to making things like this and then realizing the possibilities.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


I didn't immediately fall in love with it because I didn't get it. Too many things to tweak.

Then I found a few settings that are just awesome. Putting a bit of a short delay behind it and doing some hard reggae/funk style chucks just makes it great and the delay kind of smooths it out