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Digging the Amplug

Started by jubal81, May 11, 2013, 07:16:43 PM

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I've been building a lot at night so I bought a Vox Amplug headphone amp and I'm pretty impressed with it. I got the AC30 model. I've had a few headphone amps in the past, Rockman, Pocket POD, Dean, a few others, but this easily sounds the best.

It also takes pedals like a champ. I plowed it with as much boost as I could and couldn't hear any ugly opamp clipping. Pretty shocked at that one.

It sounds Voxy enough, and the tone is good enough so as not to be distracting - which is about as much as I can expect from a headphone amp. Should be a big help testing circuits.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I've been looking at these after seeing them advertised in a mag. Glad you think it's good, makes the decision to get one easier!

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Agreed. I have had the AC30 Amplug for a few years and the little guy still amazes me through a good pair of headphones. I have not tried the other versions


That's good to hear.  I've been temped to buy one of these for late night practicing... I just figure t would sound horrible.  Now I think ill pick one up.


wow, now I'm thinking about getting one.  i find that I'm not practicing much (or not at all) these days so maybe this would be nice to have, especially since it takes pedals.
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Thanks for the heads up on this.

Sounds like it would make a good bench/workshop amp for those evening builds!


I just plug mine into the strat with a pair of earbuds, sit on the couch and fiddle away. You can dial in overdrive on it and does have some nice voxy faux-chime in there.  I use it also when traveling. Also got the little cab for it as well for bench-top testing.

Worth every penny for a little headphone amp.