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Making my neg. ground positive

Started by das234, April 10, 2013, 11:09:38 PM

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I want to build a positive ground buzzaround.  I have a Furman pedal board that supplies standard negative power to my pedals by way of a short little cable for each pedal.  The cables have an 1/8" mono plug that plugs into the power supply on one end and your standard DC plug that connects to the pedal on the other end. 

My question is: if I take one of these little cables, lop off one of the connectors, reverse the wires and put it back together... have I created a positive power supply for my buzzaround or am I missing something? 

I think I've described everything ok but if you need more info, pictures or whatever, I'm happy to oblige.

If it works, it sure would be a quick and easy way to provide + ground power.



All you will do is reverse which lead connects to what on your power supply. Ground will still be positive for the Buzzaround. You still cannot daisy chain it.

This is one of the uses of a road rage.