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Slow Loris Help Please

Started by tenwatt, May 09, 2013, 03:31:33 PM

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My Slow Loris is fabbed up but the clipping switch is acting screwy.  In the up signal.  The middle position fades in when switched there from up or down but still sounds crackly, like it shorting out.  The down signal.

Here's my big delimma.  I've battled with a strange and painful rash for the past two years and my doctors have narrowed it down to me being allergic to lead solder fumes.  I've been working with silver solder lately and haven't had a reaction...yet.  This build was fabbed using lead solder.  

I'm going to brave desoldering it...but if I start breaking out again I may have to hit someone here up to help me out.  If anyone would be willing please let me know.  
Not too bright....


Did you happen to audio probe?  Might be worth a try before you get into taking a risk desoldering.  If you run into a pinch I don't mind helping out.  We're just across the country ;)

Contract PCB designer