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Fat Pants Question

Started by billstein, April 02, 2013, 07:10:59 PM

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First of all, thank you to all who helped on my Green Bean problems. I couldn't figure it out and put it aside for awhile. Fortunately I had a second board and it is working and sounds great.

I was thinking about putting a Fat Pants in the same box to boost the Green Bean for leads. I have a question about voltages. The Madbean build doc says to adjust the trim pot until there is 9v on the drain of Q2. Problem is I can't get down to 9v. The lowest I can get to is 11.62 v. Still sounds good so maybe this is not a problem, but I'm thinking maybe it could sound better.

Here is what I'm getting.

Power supply is a "One Spot" measuring at 9.49v

D  11.62
S  0.62
G  0.0

D  11.62
S  0.62
G  0.0

1  9.49
2  4.85
3  0
4  .11
5  .30
6  4.9
7  6.31
8  9.49

Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance


12v is actually a very good spot for the bias on the JFET. What you have is fine. You could get it further down by increasing the value of the trimpot or the resistor that is attached to it.


Thank you Brian. Great sounding pedal and can see why people say it is a must for single coils.