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Lowrider - C10 & C12 methodology check

Started by Bret608, March 15, 2013, 03:39:03 PM

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So, I was able to test my Lowrider board this past weekend. Let me just say what a great-sounding effect it is! For what it's worth, I used 2n5457s and was able to just orient them as per the silkscreen with no leg-bending. It tracks perfectly up and down the neck, even with bends.

For D1 & D2, I used 1n34a, and I'm trying to assess the impact on what to use for C10 & C12. I started with the stock values and it sounded pretty good. The I took out C12 and put in a 1n for C10. Here, the upper octave was loud, but seemed to get a little harsh and aggressive. Then I tried 1n for C10 and 10n for C12. I need to go back and A/B this with the stock values more closely, but on initial listen this sounded the best.

Has anyone else tried this or a similar combination?


I modded it like in the document. It was a bit much.  I was considering going back to stock setup.  Be sure to post what you come up with.


I will do that! Loved your "Double Down" by the way.

I think when you use the D1 and D2 and the C10 and C12 mod together it particularly gets the upper octave to be a bit much. Who knows though, my ears may tell me something different when I go back to it again.


Low voltage threshold diodes for D1 and D2 should just let it rectifiy lower level signals.