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SMD hate thread

Started by jubal81, March 18, 2013, 10:16:56 PM

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I just threw a perfectly good PCB in the can and I just have to vent. Building pedals is great fun. Soldering a board is zen time - little music, maybe a beer ...

But I wouldn't voluntarily hand solder SMD for $100K a year and a company 'Vette. I like knowing I can do a SMD part here and there if I have to, but it's horseshit. In fact, I'd rather tweeze hairs out of horsehit.

Blarg. I'm gonna go get a 6-pack and vero a fuzz ...
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


i have to admit, i like smd a lot more when a robot does the work.

bigmufffuzzwizz's definitely a different skill than soldering through hole. Some have trouble getting down with vero..but pickdropper and dirk hendrik are just amazing.
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Have not tried it and don't plan to until i absolutely have to  8)


Bumz.  I have actually grown quite fond of hand soldering smd, but it can be a little intense on the eyes.  I found lots of good tips through various youtube videos and spent a lot of time practicing on old PCI cards before I did a 'proper' pcb tho


I've just recently gotten to the point were I kinda like SMD parts, mainly because I've finally got a technique for quickly soldering the MELF resistors. I gotta say though, I like soldering the SMD parts a lot more than I like drilling the PCB's.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


funny post is funny.

I've yet to do a SMD part.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


i had two boards come from pickdropper last week, i have yet to summon the courage to order the parts.. it'll go on my 'next order' however long i put that off ;)
I play Guitar, and Build Stuff..


Well, obviously I have a certain appreciation of SMT builds, but I do understand that they can be frustrating as they are different than through hole.  If you have the wrong tools and/or technique, they can be miserable.  Conversely, with the right tools and technique, they can be a lot of fun.

Jason, please take the PCB out of the garbage and we will see if we can salvage it.  We can do it in this thread or you can PM me.  Or, you can send it to me and I'll take a look at it for you.

There are a few basic (and inexpensive) tools that really make life easier for this stuff:

1) A flux pen.  I will keep repeating this one as I wouldn't want to solder SMT without it.  Not optional, IMHO.

2) Small iron tip.  Most name brand irons have smaller diameter tips.  Worth a few bucks to get one.

3) Magnification.  You can often get cheap knock-off Optivisors for $5-10.  Or you can spent a bit more and get an LED magnification ring light.  Those are useful for troubleshooting through hole stuff as well.

4). Solder wick.  Because everybody makes mistakes at times.  EVERYBODY.  Sometimes if you use too much solder, you can clean it up with a wick and leave just the tight amount of solder.

There is a learning curve to this, don't give up just yet.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: nzCdog on March 18, 2013, 10:37:12 PM
Bumz.  I have actually grown quite fond of hand soldering smd, but it can be a little intense on the eyes.  I found lots of good tips through various youtube videos and spent a lot of time practicing on old PCI cards before I did a 'proper' pcb tho

Practicing on old beat up electronics is very good advice.  For anybody starting out with through-hole or SMT.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


+1, agree with pick dropper, his pcb's are really nice.  (I started two of them but had parts on back order, then had some unexpected work travel, and got sick soon after.)

Anyway, you can do it, and once you get through the learning curve, it's a much cleaner way to build.  The right tools make a huge difference, and practice on old pcbs helps a lot.

Fwiw, I don't like tweezers either.  Flux helps a lot.  Magnification doesn't hurt.

Once upon a time I taught grandmothers how to do this stuff, you can do it too!

You'll also find that your thru hole stuff gets better after smd work.

Happy to help if I can.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: pickdropper on March 19, 2013, 01:29:38 AM
1) A flux pen.  I will keep repeating this one as I wouldn't want to solder SMT without it.  Not optional, IMHO.

What flux pen do you recommend? I'm seeing a couple different ones on mouser.


Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I do use a flux pen, a sweet, little tip on my Hakko and a magnifying lamp. I just don't have a jeweler's disposition.

I just viscerally hate those tiny parts - getting them out of the reel, getting them oriented, dropping them and having to look for them ...

It feels like work and not at all like crafting. If anything I have more admiration for the guys that can do it. I'm just going to leave it to the robots.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Quote from: pk1802 on March 19, 2013, 03:40:18 AM
Quote from: pickdropper on March 19, 2013, 01:29:38 AM
1) A flux pen.  I will keep repeating this one as I wouldn't want to solder SMT without it.  Not optional, IMHO.

What flux pen do you recommend? I'm seeing a couple different ones on mouser.

I like the Kester 186.  It's cheap and does a good job.  It is RMA flux, so you'll probably want to clean the board when you are done.  You can do this with flux remover or with high purity isopropyl alcohol.  The 90+ % stuff can be had at Target or Walgreens for a little over a dollar.

I strongly dislike the no-clean flux pens.  I know some folks like them, but they don't work for me at all.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


My eyesight simply isn't good enough. I had to use a magnifying glass to do an SMD IC... Yeah, screw that.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk