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Shout out to Brian.

Started by raulduke, March 11, 2013, 10:35:10 AM

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I usually use bigger traces on my guitar pedal layouts but it isn't necessary as they are all low current.  I often use 6 mil for work, where it actually matters.

I'm a little leery of pushing any of the design limits with the I expensive Chinese fabs, but I might be a little too cautious in that regard.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: pickdropper on March 12, 2013, 06:47:00 PM
I do not consider myself a PCB layout expert, but there are times where ground planes can be very useful for keeping EMI down. 

With SMT circuits, one of the tricks is to staple the top and bottom ground planes together using vias.  I've seen this help a board pass EMC testing on a couple of occasions.  One board I particular I can remember had so much stitching it looked like somebody shot it up with a tommy gun.

Guitar pedals are a lot more forgiving, so it may not matter, though.  In some instances, it could help if there is a noisy component polluting the ground plane.

Vias are also very helpful when doing multi layer boards.  I don't do much layout, and certainly haven't done multi layers but I've worked on boards with something like 12 layers...  that's a lot of vias, and in the strangest places.

As for ground planes, everything in moderation.   ;D
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


I totally agree, I think Brian is one of the niftiest guys out there, spreading experience, knowledge and cheer through pedal building.

...and I honestly didn't know that Brian shared his library. Would it be anything but completely tasteless to ask for a link or source here?  :-\
OLERAudio - Sole proprietor, engineer, and goofball


Quote from: neiloler on March 12, 2013, 09:22:44 PM
I totally agree, I think Brian is one of the niftiest guys out there, spreading experience, knowledge and cheer through pedal building.

...and I honestly didn't know that Brian shared his library. Would it be anything but completely tasteless to ask for a link or source here?  :-\
You're like the Santa Clause of DIY guitar pedals dude! Thanks for all our hard work and dedication. I love you man.....
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: neiloler on March 12, 2013, 09:22:44 PM
I totally agree, I think Brian is one of the niftiest guys out there, spreading experience, knowledge and cheer through pedal building.

...and I honestly didn't know that Brian shared his library. Would it be anything but completely tasteless to ask for a link or source here?  :-\

A download for the most recent Madbean Library can be found in this thread. Cheers...


Awesome! Another thanks to Brian and the fine folks here who selflessly help strangers on the interwebz. :)
OLERAudio - Sole proprietor, engineer, and goofball


Indeed, let's hear it for Brian!



Sorry for the daft question, but where can you download the parts library?

I've spent the last 10 minutes searching and I can't find it....


