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Positive Ground With Cioks Supply

Started by frankie5fingers, March 19, 2013, 10:59:17 PM

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For some reason I can't grok the concept.  The Cioks has a center positive cable so no problem right?  Whoa, hang on, the cable may have a positive center (or centre if you prefer) but does that mean the supply is happy with the -9v power vs the +9volts on the others?  If the answer is "if it works then it's OK", then it's OK because it does work.  I just don't want to damage the power supply.


Your supply will be just fine!

The only difference in this case is the way the cable is constructed. - Music, Builds, other nonsense


That's what I was thinking Dane, but then I started wondering about the positive vs negative 9v issue.  Essentially the "zero" is arrived at from a different direction, right?  Instead of going from 0 to 9v, we head the other way with the PNPs don't we?  Again, no engineer here (I know, I's easy to tell) but I just want to be sure that if I use the reverse polarity cable, the Cioks doesn't care of it's a negative 9v or a pos 9v powered unit.


the cable doesnt mean shit in this instance, just its got the + from the powersupply in the centre.
The problem might be if the effect is positive ground, and the power supply doesnt have proper isolated and individually grounded outlets, you will get a grounding issue and likely it will (temporarily) shut down

Why dont you contact their tech support and check?!


Well, to be precise, it's a Carl Martin Pro Pedal but I understand it's a repackaged Cioks.  Anyway, I did contact Carl Martin USA, but that may be just a marketing arm - no info whatsoever.  The feller was nice enough but really didn't know much about the line and directed me to the manual.  The unit has 8 isolated, regulated, outputs.  No doubt the center pos cable is OK, I know it works - I have one, used it and it works just fine.  The real question I have is regarding -9v vs +9v.  I'm looking for some understanding.  I started wondering what the effect (no pun intended) of -9v or +9v would have on the power supply if any.  Is it as simple as the idea that pos or neg ground, a 9v draw is just a 9v draw... period, or is there more to it?  I'm just tryin' to learn to fish.