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First MB build and first BMP

Started by muehring, March 21, 2013, 04:30:20 PM

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Here is my first build on a madbean board.  It came together pretty nicely.  It's a civil war muff that my brother in-law wanted me to build for him and I have another board I intent to build for myself.  I added some diode clipping options.  The diodes are 1n914 and Ge 1n60 in D1 and D2.  In D3 and D4 are 1n914 and green 5mm LEDs.  There are a lot of nice sound combinations with these.  The transistors are 2n5088.  I tried BC149s too which also sounded good.  I might use those in mine.
The only issue I had with this build is that it didn't cut through the mix enough for me when I used it in band practice.  I know this is common with muffs, but I read the civil war cuts through a little better.  Is it the tone mod that will help it cut through better?  I definitely want to mod mine to cut through better.
Here are the pics and also my vero clipping board.


Looks great, a sound check with it would be good...Nice idea with the clip board.
