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Kingslayer not working! Help

Started by roverson, February 08, 2013, 02:20:38 AM

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Hello, first time posting here.

I am a fairly new pedal builder. I have put together about 5 BYOC kits, and just last week build a Double Flush trem. All of these builds went really well.

This week I have been attempting to build the Kingslayer, and I am getting nothing. I cant figure out whats happening. I have attached some pictures below  maybe its a beginner mistake?

I substituted a 4.7 for the 5.6 on c15.

Now it did look a lot cleaner before I started messing around and trying to get it to work. In the process i singed a few wires and some of the solder joints look bad, I will go back and retouch them up. I also soldered the output jack to a different lug, just to see if that was the problem.
So with that in mind here are the pictures.  Any help would be appreciated.

Guitar Master

I always stat with one thing: I plug in a power supply/battery and check if the board is getting 9v when turned on. If no pwer to the board, it is probably the wiring of the switch/jacks that is your problem. Is your LED even working?


Quote from: Guitar Master on February 08, 2013, 03:03:21 AM
I always stat with one thing: I plug in a power supply/battery and check if the board is getting 9v when turned on. If no pwer to the board, it is probably the wiring of the switch/jacks that is your problem. Is your LED even working?

Thanks for that tip.

So the lug I had all the power wires to, was reading 0 Volts.  I switched both Positive wires to the other Postive lug. I am now getting the LED to Light up. However, I am still not passing any signal with the effect on or off.

Additionally I am reading `7 Volts on the Board 9v terminals.


The only thing I can see  is that you soldered your output wire to the ring of a stereo jack , it should be on the tip lug where it was before ( or maybe Im wrong ) . So it`s probably not the only problem .

I think you have to recheck all your wiring very carefully .

Edit : check also  that your input and output jack are not touching the metal on the  LED holder .


I will recheck everything today when I get home from work.  Thats a good thought about the Led Holder I will investigate!

Thanks for all of your help, this is my first real problem with a build.   I guess I got to cocky, time to kick me down to size haha.


Quote from: PimpMyTone on February 08, 2013, 06:55:40 AM
The only thing I can see  is that you soldered your output wire to the ring of a stereo jack , it should be on the tip lug where it was before ( or maybe Im wrong ) . So it`s probably not the only problem .


In addition i think the red power wires should be connected on the other lug of the dc jack. The actual lug is not connected if you plug the power supply I think. Check the wiring carefully.


Well I re-soldered all my wiring, I took all the wiring apart and redid it. I made sure the input jack didnt touch the LED and plugged it in. I got it to pass signal, but with the effect off, my signal was distorted. With the effect on I got a buzzing sound, no guitar signal.

It must be something on the board, but try as I might I have not found the culprit.
I think I may just have to order another board and try again.

I just want to thank you all for the very helpful tips, I am sure they will come in handy for my next build!
I apologize for my noobness.
Also I have decided I dislike 1590b enclosures haha.


The input jack looks like it is wired backwards also
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.