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3 more minis.

Started by juansolo, January 27, 2013, 09:55:23 PM

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Inline 8

Grind Customs Octane PCB (originally known as the Inline8 ). A stripped down Guvnor with simple tone stack and different clippers. It's very hair metal.

Plus Distortion

EffDub's Plus Distortion PCB. A tiny clone of an MXR Distortion+. Seemed only right to put it in a little box.

Fairly random pic on this one.

Pork Pi 2

Another '71 Triangle muff on JimmyBJJ's Swarm PCB. This one is for Cleggy who got about most of the way through boxing up his Apis, swore quite a bit, and then decided that building 1590As wasn't for him ;)

Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


What can I possibly say? Elegant,and Cleggy is right,sumbitches are tiny and a PITA. Do you play in a band Juansolo or just build beautiful pedals?
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I just builds pedals. I noodle very badly, thankfully in private and out of earshot. I'm much better at building pedals ;)
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Quote from: juansolo on January 27, 2013, 11:14:01 PM
I just builds pedals. I noodle very badly, thankfully in private and out of earshot. I'm much better at building pedals ;)
You do one helluva job sir!
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I want a tiny Green Russian spec muff... that triangle is one of the most achingly fantastic pedals I've ever seen. I really want one...  :'(


Your minis are just astoundingly tidy ...


I can't even keep my wiring that neat in a BB.


wow! great work. very clean builds A++


Great work man, I'm a fan 8)


These are all fantastic, of course. Glad to see your Plus Distortion working! I'll have mine boxed within the week. What did you use for diodes by the way? This is my first time experimenting with diodes, so I'm fishing around for suggestions.


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk