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Pork Barrel Speed Question

Started by CurlyMo, January 09, 2013, 10:16:54 PM

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I've been gigging with my trusty Boss CE-2 as my chorus since '99 and after a few fuzzes, boosts, and a couple of overdrives it is time to torture myself in attempting to build up the Pork Barrel board that i purchased a while back as a replacement. Don't get me wrong, I love the CE-2 but I somehow ended up with one of the highly coveted "long dash, silver screw Japanese" models that everyone seems to want to get their grubby hands on and I'd rather not get arrested for assaulting would be thieves with a deadly weapon (the CE-2 itself).

Is there a way to have 2 separate speed pots to switch between on one board? I use the same depth settings on the CE-2 no matter what speed I set it so I'm perfectly fine with just Depth, Speed 1, and Speed 2 if this is possible.

Would it just be better to build 2 Pork Barrel boards (soldering deities willing) and throw them in the same cramped box?

I guess I could just build a stock one and continue to bend down and turn the speed knob, but where's the fun in that?


Yeah its a peice of cake

get a 3PDT switch ,either a toggle or a footswitch
wire pads 1 2 3 for the poteniometer to the middle 3 lugs for each pole of the switch, then wire each set of throws to a potentiometer.

Voilá, switchable rate pot.



Huh, I was convinced with it being a chorus that it would not be that easy for some reason. Awesome, thanks


thats the same thing i did to my porky only one of my speeds is on a wah
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !